Thursday, October 31, 2019
Can Machiavelli's theories be used to justify the actions of Marx, Essay
Can Machiavelli's theories be used to justify the actions of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Putin totalitarian actions - Essay Example 2). He does this by exploring various examples to illustrate various means of obtaining and keeping power. Machiavelli held the philosophy that using virtue and force was best because the moment a prince obtained territory by use of armies and strength, it would be simpler for them to keep control over their jurisdiction (Machiavelli & Woonton 34, 45). A noteworthy point is that for Machiavelli, the concept of virtue implied strength and manliness. Machiavelli was also of the philosophy that a leader ought to possess evil qualities since that way it would be easier to cling to power (Machiavelli & Woonton 51). Machiavelli, for example, argued that being feared but not feared was more preferable than to be loved. Machiavelli also argued that it was not necessary for a prince to be trustworthy. Machiavelli lived up to some of the principles he wrote. He used his skills and schemes to rise through the ranks in the government of Florence. There was a time he was close to magistrate a position he used to push for the use of militia in the state. This corresponded with his view in The Prince w here he advocated for the use of local militia over mercenaries (Machiavelli & Woonton 45). Machiavelli was made to be in charge of the militia when Florence finally got an army. He demonstrated great military astuteness that lead to the capture of Pisa. He finally lost his position and was never able to rise again. It is often hard to discern which philosophies are right and which are wrong when comparing the two literary works; that of Karl Marx and that of Machiavelli. Machiavelli’s ideas are what many people would regard as unethical. As a matter of fact, his ideas were so unpopular in his own country, Italy, that he got exiled. Karl Marx on the other hand, presents a theory about capital that is self-contradicting. For example, Marx argues that Capitalism results from the business
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
How surface area of vanes effect Essay Example for Free
How surface area of vanes effect Essay Hypothesis I predict that by increasing the surface area of the vanes on the wind vane, I will increase the air resistance therefore slowing the rate at which the weight will drop. Primary Work If a piece of paper and a marble are in free fall, they will fall at the same speed, so they should hit the ground at the same time. If you test this by just dropping a marble and a piece of paper you will find it is not true. This is because the objects are not in free fall. To be in free fall, gravity has to be the only force acting on the objects. When you just drop something, there is also air resistance. Air resistance is a type of fluid friction. Because friction acts in the opposite direction of the objects motion, air resistance of an object falling downward is an upward force. This is because a falling object is coming down, so the opposite direction is up. If air resistance were equal for every object, objects would still fall at the same rate. Since we know they do not fall at the same rate, we know air resistance is different for different objects. The amount of air resistance acting on an object depends on the objects surface area. If an object has a small surface area, it will have little air resistance. Because the piece of paper has a larger surface area than the marble, the marble will have less air resistance than the piece of paper and the paper will fall slower. This is what I expect to happen with a wind vane. As the wind vane turns, air resistance will act on each of the separate vanes. By increasing the surface area of the vanes, I will increase the air resistance therefore making the rate at which the weight drops slower, because there is more opposing force. Theory Newtons law of gravity and Galileos freefall theory state that objects of any mass will fall to the ground at the same time if in a complete vacuum i. e. space, if not in a complete vacuum i. e. earth, they will fall at different times because of air resistance (and weight). The air resistance depends on the surface area of the object, the larger the surface area, the more amount of air resistance. In the case of a wind vane, the objects dropping are the separate vanes. Plan Of Experiment I will drop a 15g weight from a piece of string; this string will be attached to an axel which is further attached to a wind vane. Firstly the string will be coiled around the axel then when let go, the weight will drop and the wind vane will turn to create opposing force. I will time the rate at which it falls. My dependant factor will be the time the weight takes to hit the table. My independent factor will be the surface area of the vanes. To ensure a fair test, my controls will be the distance from the table and the weight of the falling object. Apparatus  Stand Clamp 20g Weight 55cm of String  Axel  Cork With Equal Slits For Vanes  Card For Vanes  Stopwatch Method 1. I will set up the equipment as shown below. 2. I will cut out 6 vanes with a certain surface area and put them into their corresponding slits in the cork. 3. I will coil the string attached to the weight around the axel and then drop it. I will time the time it takes for the weight to hit the table and record my results. 4. I will repeat the experiment for accuracy of results Results Surface Area (cm) 1st Try (secs) 2nd Try (secs) Average (2. d. p) 3 1. 8 1. 6 1. 7 4 2. 4 2. 3 2. 35 5 3. 2 3. 4 3. 3 6 3. 9 3. 7 3. 8 7 4. 4 4. 3 4. 35 8 4. 7 4. 5 4. 6 9 5. 4 5. 7 5. 55 10 6. 3 6. 5 6. 4 Graph Of Averages = Line Of Best Fit Conclusion I have found that I was right in my hypothesis in thinking that the larger the surface area of the vanes on a wind vane, the more time it takes for a weight attached to it by means of an axel to fall. This was because, as stated in my theory and primary work, the surface area increased the amount of air resistance and this force opposed gravity which was pulling the weight down, therefore making it travel slower. This is shown in my graph as a positive correlation. Evaluation I had no major anomalous results, this was down to accurate measuring and because I kept my experiment fair. After doing this experiment I would like to be able to calculate the actual amount of air resistance created by a wind vane and see if there is any relationship between surface area and amount of air resistance.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Correlation Between Sales And Brand Value Marketing Essay
Correlation Between Sales And Brand Value Marketing Essay In the marketing concept, brand differentiates a product and services from its competitors. Brand affects consumers not only because of the knowledge systems that consumers know about the brands but it is also part of psycho-social-cultural context (Esch et al., 2006). Hence, it is very important to build a strong brand as it act as one of the contributing factor in sustaining companys performance of which the value of a company relies on its current earnings that potentially will develop its future financial performance. For instance, the powerful global companies take advantage on its brand as a contribution factor to their continuing success (Davis, 2002). Brand is classified as an important asset to the company as it helps in the generation of cash. Moreover, it has an impact to the company as the business is worth more due to its position of the brand in the market. The value of the brand is a reflection of the brand worth in regards to current and future income, reputation and market value. It is vital to understand the meaning of the brand value as it serves as a tool in determining the marketing strategy in each segment or target market. According to Gabay et al. (2009), brand value is related on how a brand is influence in the marketing mix as well as the impact of the brand name to the other features in the marketing concept. When a brand is managed well consistently, the brand value will appreciate over time that allows company to charge a premium over competitive offering leadings to a higher profit margin (Davis, 2002). A companys brand is directly related to the consumers as they are the one who decides on the purchase of a product. Brands that manage to segment its products appropriately in the competitive market will enable the company to attract consumers as well as maintaining the brand value that stands as a key point to compete in the future market. Each company would want to have a stable growth in its profitability and the key point to determine the success of the company will rely on its sales figures. As companies noticed the importance of a brand in its financial performance, huge investment has been made to ensure that its brand has a high brand value. For example, Coca-Cola is consistently investing in its brand to develop an emotional connection with the consumers. Consumers perceptions on a brand do play an important factor in the selection of the best brand for a particular product. It is important to build and have a brand value as it involve consumers understanding on what they are getting compared to what they are giving. There is a linkage between consumer loyalty and brand value. For example, if a particular brand maintains a significantly higher perception of value to a consumer than any other brand in the category, that consumer will consistently purchase that brand and consistently recommend that brand to others. As a result, consumers are confident in the product and directly will have an impact to the companys sales performance. According to the top 100 grocery brands in the United Kingdom (UK) report, it was noted that the sales pattern is related to consumers perception on the brands. Brands that have a high brand value have performed well in terms of its sales. Therefore, it seems that there is a relationship between sales and brand value. However, there is still uncertainty on the strength between the two variables. In view of this, it is viable to do a statistical analysis for further analysis on the said matter. 1.2 Previous work that has been done Brand is seen as a very important concept in the marketing perspective especially brand value which have a relationship between quality and price. High brand value is the most valuable asset for a company as it brings higher margins both short and long term (Esch et al., 2006) and host of other benefits (Oslon, 2008). By identifying the factors driving the brand values, it allows company to increase its brands performance which will result to an increase in revenue, larger market share and higher profits. Wood (2000) indicates that by using brand value as a performance measure, it creates a long term focus of the company. Research findings indicate that consumer buying behaviour is based on perception on a brand name (Gabay et al., 2009). Therefore, brand is seen as a contract with the consumers that reduce uncertainty which allows consumers to purchase uncertainty reduction or trust that leads to the increase of value (,2010). Meanwhile according to Oslon (2008), brand creates value by generating demand and reducing risk through securing future earnings for the business which will result to creation of value for companies to its brands. Penrose and Moorhouse (1989) suggest that one important factor determining the value of the brand is its profitability. By knowing the brand value, it allows the company on how is the brand performing in the market. It is related to the element of acceptability and the strength of the brand as it is link to the consumers decision in buying a product. Blackett (1991) comment that there is a relationship between a brands strength and its ability to command future income. Therefore, the stronger the brand, company would be able to predict its future income conversely the weaker the brand, the less certain is its future. This indicates that the brand value will provide a company a clear idea of profitability from its various brands. A research was done against the most expensive leading global products and the findings indicate that each brand invest time and energy to manage its brand accordingly (Gabay et al., 2009). This shows an indication on how companies foresee the importance of b rand value. With a good brand, consumers will be prepared to pay a premium for the products and leads to a brand loyalty which will have value if the brand was ever sold. Research conducted earlier has found a relationship between sales and brand value (Gabay et al., 2009). Moreover, one of the factors determining the brand value is the strong brand acceptance in the market which is dependent on consumers. Research indicates that brand has the power to attract consumers and provide a guarantee of sales through premium price that provide a higher margin from the sale of the products (Blackett, 1991). Another research has found that there is strong correlation between strong brand value and its benefits of pricing, customer loyalty, market leadership and overall financial performance (Leiser, 2004). Moreover, Leiser (2004) and Davis (2002) also point out that there is relationship between customer loyalty with brand value and profitability as findings from a research indicate that 5% increase in customer loyalty could elevate profits by as much as 100%. Meanwhile, based on a study conducted in the hotel industry, it suggest a positive correlation between brand value and a firms performance in terms of profits and long-term cashflows (Kim, Kim and An, 2003). Based on the above, it can be summarise that there is relationship between brand and financial performance. 1.3 What would expect to discover For a product to be successful, it must have a good brand name. Once this has been establish in the market, it creates a powerful and lasting connection between consumers that leads to a positive effect of the product and simultaneously has an effect to the companys sales performance. Sales figure meanwhile definitely have several attributes to the company such as gaining market share and acceptability in the market. As a result of a positive trend in the sales figures, it helps the company to build its brand value in the market. Brands with high values are related to strong market share as it allows the company to bargain more effectively in terms of pricing and quality. Moreover, with the high market share, the brands have an advantage in economy of scales that leads to high sales figures. However in the year 2008, a number of discounted retailers entered the UK grocery market with their home brand at a low cost price. With the effect from the economic crisis, consumers buying trend has slightly shifted from high value brands to home brands which have low brand values. Although the current economy condition does have an impact across the sector, especially in the growth of own-label products, premium brands have still continue to perform well. From this report, it would like to see the relationship between sales and brand values as it is interrelated wherein with high brand value; the product has a control in the market and will lead to better sales in the future. 2.0 Description of data For the purpose of this report, the dependent and independent variables are sales and brand value respectively. Details of the data are attached in Appendix 1. The data is based on the top 100 grocery brands in the United Kingdom (UK) for the year 2008. However, for the purpose of this report, only top 78 grocery brands are used as the sample size due to lack of information of certain brands. The histograms for each variable are given in figure 1 and 2 respectively. The histogram for sales and brand value indicate that the most recorded value is  £168.7 million and  £174.07 million respectively. Meanwhile, the mean values are  £162 million and  £152.04 million for sales and brand value respectively. Based on the median for sale of  £162 million, the 95% confidence interval is between  £135 million to  £188 million while brand value is between  £121 million and  £184 million. It was noted that the distribution for both variables are positively skewed of which the lon g tail in on the right. Figure 1: Histogram for sales Figure 2: Histogram for brand value Figure 3: Normal distribution for sales The inference about the population mean is based on the following computation: 95% confidence interval = 162  ± (1.96 x 127) = (-86.92 to 410.92) Therefore, it believes that the population mean lies between - £86.92 million and 410.92 million. There is a 95% chance that this is true. 2.1 Source of data The brand value data was extracted from the report titled The UKs most valuable grocery brand 2008 prepared by www.intangible Meanwhile, the data for the sales value was obtained from the market research company, The Nielsen Company (2008) of which the data was recorded via checkout scanners at all major grocery chains totalling about 74,000 in the UK. The calculation of the brand value is computed based on its forecast sales, royalty and discount rate. Brand value Components: Sum of future royalty income Testing and benchmarking Discounted Components: Risk analysis Tax deduction Royalty rate Components Brand strength Royalty rate range Future sales Components: Historical sales Adjusted Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) X , = Source: The top 100 grocery brands in the UK The future sale is based on the adjusted Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) to reflect the brands long term ability for growth. The royalty rate is based on scoring of measurements i.e. preference, relevancy, heritage, perception and awareness that resulted to the brand strength for each brand. Meanwhile, discounted rate is computed by multiplying the royalty rate and reduced at the relevant tax rate. The discount rate reflects the time value and risk assessment based on 9% with the basis of the brands existence in a stable economic environment. Finally, results are tested and verified by to ensure the correct figures are used for the ranking purposes to avoid biasness. 3.0 Analysis 3.1 Scattergram and Correlation Before proceeding with the correlation between the two variables i.e. sales and brand value, a scattergram was applied to explore the relationship between the said variables. Scattergram is used as a preliminary step in investigating the existence of a relationship between two variables. In figure 4, the variables indicate a linear positive relationship which is suitable for the correlation analysis. Based on the said scattergram, it was observed that there are two values which are higher than the other values. After checking the values, it was discovered that the said variables have a very high value in sales compared to other brands. The main reason is because the two brands have a strong brand identity in the global market and is one of most respected brands in the market. Moreover, the small sample size might contribute to the finding of a number of outlying residuals. In considering the outliers, it was decided to maintain the variables as it does not have much impact to the r v alue if the same are removed. r= 0.948 Figure 4: Scattergrams and value of r In order to provide a precise measurement of the degree of correlation, the correlation coefficient is used to produce a mathematical measurement (Cohen and Holliday, 1996:80). The correlation analysis is applied to check the quantifiable relationship between two variables in terms of both the strength and direction. Based on figure 4 above, there is a large correlation i.e.0.95 between the two variables (above 0.5) which indicate a quite strong relationship between sales and brand value. Therefore, this result is interpreted in the manner that the amount of sale directly affects the brand value wherein the more sales take place, the higher the brand value. In order to decide the amount of association between the two variables justifies the sales to brand value, hypothesis testing is conducted. Null hypothesis Ho: p= 0, there is no association between sales and brand value. Alternative hypothesis H1=p≠0. There is an association between sales and brand value. Critical value: 5% (87-2) = 0.183 Test statistics = 0.948 The test statistics exceeds the critical value and therefore to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is significant association between sales and brand value. Inference about the population value of the correlation coefficient based on the sample is calculated using the FISHER function in EXCEL which is as follows: w= FISHER (0.95) = 1.83 (the mean for the normal distribution) the standard deviation is 1/ = 0.11 The 95% confidence interval for w is 1.83  ± (1.96 x 0.11) = 1.62 to 2.05 By using the FISHERINV formula in Excel, the 95% confidence interval for the population correlation is from 0.92 to 0.97. The narrow confidence interval indicates that adequate sample size is used for the correlation and the variables have a reasonable control in detecting the estimate of the effect. 3.2 Regression analysis Regression analysis is a technique used in analysing variables which focus on the relationship between dependent variable and independent variables. It will assist in understanding how a change in the value of the dependant variable has a direct effect to the independent variables. Clearly, the said analysis could be used to infer causal relationship between independent and dependant variables. Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.948091 R Square 0.898876 Adjusted R Square 0.897687 Standard Error 40.49166 Observations 87 Figure 5: Regression model and statistics A simple linear regression was performed on the 87 sample size to determine if there is a significant relationship between sales and brand value. Based on the regression statistic in figure 5, the Multiple R value is 0.95 and the R square is 0.89 or 89% which both indicate a liner model wherein the two predictors fits the data well and the confidence interval for the slope is wholly positive. R2 tells that 89% of the variation in the sales in associated with variations in the brand value. ANOVA df SS MS F Significance F Regression 1 1238788 1238788 755.5547 4.62162E-44 Residual 85 139363.8 1639.575 Total 86 1378152 Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Intercept 38.81685 6.231001 6.229634 1.72E-08 26.42795 51.20575 Brand value 0.806217 0.02933 27.48735 4.62E-44 0.747901 0.864534 Figure 6:Regression statistic summary output With reference to figure 6 above, the intercept is given as 38.816 and the coefficient of brand value is 0.806. From this figures, the regression equation is constructed as y=38.817 + 0.806x. A significance relationship indicates that an increase in sales will have an effect to the brand value to increase between 0.75 to 0.86. The significance of the coefficients is indicated by the p-values. In figure 6, the p-value for brand value is 4.62E-44 (very small value), indicating that this variable in the population is very unlikely to be zero as the smaller the p-value, the greater significance it has. Based on the ANOVA results, the figure headed Significance F could also be used to assess the overall strength of the linear regression equation. From the regression statistic output, the value for the Significance F is 4.62162E-44 (very small value), so it can be concluded that there is a highly significant linear relationship between sales and brand value. Overall, it appears that there is a strong relationship between sales and brand value and the equation could reasonably be used to obtain predictions for sales in other brands given information about brand value. Based on the analysis above, it was noted that there is significance positive correlation between sales and brand value. It is recognised that there are four different reasons for the relationship to exist: sales indeed cause brand value. If sales increase certainly the reason is because consumers purchase more on the brand which leads to a good brand name and image. Thus, it increases the brand value. however, the results might be just a chance as it is based on sampling. If more observations and sample of the population are correctly and repeatedly done, there is tendency for the correlation becomes very unlikely (the more the test is conducted, the less likely that the results occur by chance). there may be some other factor which was not taken into consideration which produces the variation between sales and brand value and which might be the real cause of the correlation. there might be a causal connection that represents the effect of the correlation but might have put it in the other way round. It can be concluded from the high correlation between sales and brand value based on consumers purchasing power which causes the increase in sales. However, it might be the case that sales are caused by something else such as current economic condition and lifestyle. 4.0 Conclusion Prior to discussing the findings in detail and highlighting its contribution to the current literature and marketing practices, it is essential to provide an overview of this report and summing-up the findings. In summary the aim of the report is to test the relationship between sales and brand value. Based on the analysis conducted above in section 3.0, it is noted that sales have a positive effect on brand value. There is a strong relationship between sales and brand value. This is supported from the finding of Kim, Kim and An (2003) which indicate a positive correlation between brand value and a firms performance in terms of profits and long-term cashflows. Both variables complement each other to ensure the profitability of the company. Brand has always been an important identification in differentiating its products with its customers. Indeed brands with high brand value have established its existence in the market by anchoring a large sum of market share. Moreover, companies have identified the importance of the brand value and several steps have been taken up to ensure that the company will continue to perform better in its financial performance. Customers perception on a brand is related to the brand value computation as it contributes in terms of loyalty. If consumers are happy and satisfied with the product, eventually it built loyalty by consumer to the product itself. Clear example is the Coca-Cola brand, which is a global brand that is accepted by most of the consumers and this has lead to the contribution to the high brand value. It was reported that the sales of Coca-Cola has increased tremendously as it has manage to build a good brand image among its target market as well as a good positioning in the usage in sports and family gathering ( This is consistent with Leiser (2004) and Davis (2002) findings which indicate that 5% increase in customer loyalty will elevate profits of the company to the extent of 100%. According to Blackett (1991), there is a relationship between a brands strength and its ability to command future income. Based on the analysis conducted, the strong relationship between sales and brand value indicates the contribution in the aspect of companys financial performance. Therefore, companies is required to provide a wealth of information in regards to its brand value which as a result will enhance and improve both in terms of brands name and business performance. Based on the findings, companies should stimulate sales by means of promotion and advertisement. Current business environment is characterized by stiff competition and in order to survive a company has to have a well planned strategy to compete in the market. However based on the result obtained, it is not sufficient to focus only on these two variables to determine the companys performance especially when brands are supposed to last forever (Esch et al., 2006). For the long term prospect of the brand value, other variables such as brand trust and satisfaction do act as factors driving to consumer buying behavior. Therefore, continuous analyzing different indicators that have an impact to the business in some way can assist companies to interpret the result and make corresponding decision. Despite the above observation, it is hoped that the findings of the analysis could create greater interest in the subject and hopefully engender further in dept analysis which could contribute further understanding to the readers. 5.0 Reflection The analysis done through correlation and regression is able to assist company to engage into forecasting. For instance, a company introduces a new brand in the market and within the next few months its sales has increase tremendously as well as the income. By undertaking further research on how to sustain its sales, the correlation and regression analysis will assists in building up a model that can help the company to forecast its future income. Indeed, correlation is an important tool of statistics which can be used in the business decision making. It is vital to gasp the point of the correlation as even though there is strong correlation, it does not provide an immediate conclusion on the causation as it could indicate a relationship that is based on cause and effect (Taylor, 2007). For this particular example, a high correlation was seen between sales and brand value and some prediction could be made based on the factors such market share but it should be aware that the correlation itself has no proof of these assertions. As a result, correlation could not be solely used as a proof of causation. Some other statistical test should be used to support the result of the correlation. For example, if sales caused brand value, then it seen that there is correlation between the two variables as any changes in sales will cause changes in brand value. The reverse, it is not necessarily true because if sales and brand value is correlated, it could not automatically assume that sales is the cause of brand value. Linear regression using one independent variable i.e. brand value might not reflect the accurate result of the prediction for dependent variable i.e. sales. Therefore, multiple linear regressions with the use of additional independent variables could help better in explaining or predicting the dependent variables. In addition to this, the sample size used in this study only represents part of the entire population that could lead to bias and generalisbility (Saunders et al., 2007). Therefore the outcome obtained from the study may not reflect the whole population as whole and further analysis of the general population would be of value. Analysis of the population of other brands from different industry can be done to confirm, compare and expand on the results obtained earlier.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Philosophy of Education Essay -- Philosophy of Teaching Teachers Educa
Philosophy of Education The philosophical perspective possessed by a teacher has on affects the ability and effectiveness of their teaching methods. Therefore a teacher must be one who appreciates and respects education and formalized schooling. In the following paragraphs I will give a general description of my views on education. I will describe how I view the acquisition of knowledge, common student nature, what I believe the purpose of education is and my desired method and curriculum. Future teachers should carefully consider each of these aspects. After my graduation from Concord College I plan to be a history teacher at a local high school. If I proceed with any further schooling, it will most likely be in the field of special education. I have not yet decided what professional groups I may join in the future but I am currently researching the Center for Civic Education and the National Geographic Society. The nature of a student is an important area of thought for a future teacher because the student is a teacher's primary focus. The typical student is naturally prone to be easily distracted from their studies. One possible reason for this is that children do not realize the importance of education. This is more evident in lower grade levels. Children's personalities also vary. For example each class typically contains an immensely interested student, a class clown, and those children who are moderately quiet and follow the rules. Teachers need to consider the nature of each student in order to give the student an adequate amount of attention. More important aspects of teaching include the understanding of the acquisition of knowledge and the importance and purpose of education. Understanding how p... ...dict future events in society. History can also be inspiring to students who desire political or judicial occupations. The most important subjects for students however, are reading, writing and mathematics. They are the most important because they are the basic skills that one needs in order to function in current society. My interest in the school system is due to the difference that I could make in the life of one human. It is an exciting thought that I could be the teacher of a future historical figure or productive scientist. I think that the extrinsic benefits of being a teacher are far less important than the intrinsic benefits, however the extrinsic benefits will be satisfying to my economical needs. With all of my views on the aspects of teaching, I hope that as a teacher I am as friendly and helpful as several of my past teachers have been to me.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Cost Club Scenario Essay
Introduction Every employee has fundamental rights in the workplace that include their right to privacy, fair compensation and free from discrimination. Even applicants have rights before they are hired as an employee. Some of those rights include discrimination that is based solely on a person’s race, gender, age, religion, national origin, or during the hiring process (FindLaw, 2014). Employee Privacy * Employees have the right to privacy with regards to their personal possessions * This includes their purses, handbags. Briefcases, lockers.* Employees have limited rights with respect to e-mail messages and internet usage while using Cost Clubs computer system * Employers do not have the right to conduct a credit checks or background checks on an employee or perspective employee without the express written permission of the employee (FindLaw, 2014). Employee Unions Under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), employers are forbidden from interfering in an employee’s right to organize, or to join or assist in a labor organization for collective bargaining purposes, or prohibit working together to improve terms and conditions of their place of employment. Union employer’s may not coerce their employees in exercising any of their rights such as (National Labor Relations Board, 2014): * It is illegal for an employer to threaten their employees with the loss of their jobs or benefits if they choose to join or vote for a union or participate in protected concerted activity. * Threaten employees with plant closure should their employees choose to have union representation. * Employers are not to question employees about their union activities or sympathies * Promise employees benefits in order to discourage union support * Punishing employees for engaging in union or protected concerted activity * Retaliating against an employee by transferring, laying off, terminating, assigning employees to more difficult work task or for filing an unfair labor practice charges or participating in an NLRB investigation (National Labor Relations Board, 2014). Occupational Safety and Health Administration Under the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (,OSHA) employers have a responsibility to their employees to provide a safe environment for their employees. Employers are responsible for providing their employees with a workplace free of serious hazards and must follow all OSHA safety and health standards as well as identify and correct any safety or health problems found. It is also the employer’s responsibility to (United States Department of Labor, 2014). * Keep employees informed about hazards through the offering of training, labeling, alarms, systems that are color coded, material safety data sheets that pertain to chemicals and other methods. * Employees are to be trained in a manner in which they can fully understand * Employers are to maintain accurate and complete records of any work-related injuries or illnesses that may occur in the workplace. * Employers are to post any citations, injuries and illness data where is it easily viewed by employees. * OSHA is to be notified by the employer within eight hours should there be a workplace fatality or when three or more workers have been injured or hospitalized due to an accident. * Display the official OSHA poster that describes the rights and responsibilities in plain view for employees to read per the OSHA Act (United States Department of Labor, 2014). Employee Retirement Income Security Act Compliance assistance under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) sets the minimum standards for retirement and health benefit plans in private industry. Although ERISA does not require an employer to provide a retirement plan or to provide benefits it only requires those who have established plans meet and follow a level of standards. ERISA covers retirement, health, and other welfare benefit plans. (United States Department of Labor, 2014): * Meet ERISA standards of conduct * Employers are to assure that the funds of the plan are protected and that participants who qualify will receive their benefits. * Employers are to include new health laws * Employers are to provide a continuation of health care coverage for an employee that due to certain events would result in a reduction ,in their benefits. * The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) amended ERISA to make health care coverage available for employees that have either been terminated or have quit (United States Department of Labor, 2014). Fair Labor Standards Act The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is responsible for setting and establishing a minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and youth employment standards that affect employees in the private sector andFederal, State and local governments (United States Department of Labor, 2014). * The wage for covered nonexempt workers is $ 7.25 per hours * Overtime pay to be at the rate of one-half times their regular pay after a 40 hour workweek. * There is no limit to anyone 16 years or older to the amount of hours they may work. * FLSA does not require Cost Club to pay overtime for weekends, holidays for an employees, regular days off, unless overtime is typically worked on those days. * Employers are required to display the official poster of the FLSA. (United States Department of Labor, 2014). Conclusion In order to ensure and maintain a high moral level of employee behavior. Employees of Cost Club must fully understand the ethical and legal implications of their decisions. As they relate to their employees personal and professional values. This should be reflected at every level upper, and lower management included. Cost Club needs to develop and implement a Business Code of Ethics that can be reviewed with all employees at all Cost Club locations. By implementing a Business Code of Ethics, Cost Club will weave together not only the legal principles of employment, but the moral issues that commonly arise in employment issues. These ethical behaviors are vital to Cost Clubs overall success. The stakeholders of Cost Club are able to take direction from Cost Clubs, Business Code of Conduct. And when an ethical dilemma occurs the code will become one of the employee’s best tools for dealing with the dilemma. When Cost Club chooses to engage in employee monitoring, this practice will be posted and announced to all employees. Employees need to understand the laws and Cost Clubs corporations, policies along with the Business Code of Conduct. Cost Club also needs to exercise restraint in looking over their employees shoulders when it comes to use of the internet and email. (Mujtaba, 2014). When everyone understands all the ground rules then the workplace environment at Cost Club will be fair. If Cost Clubs employees are being ethical and following the policies he or she should not be concerned with monitoring and at the same time Cost Club should conduct their monitoring of employees within the guidelines of the law (Mujtaba, 2014). References FindLaw. (2014). Employee rights 101. Retrieved April 13, 2014, from Mujtaba, B. G. (2014). Ethical implications of employee monitoring: What leaders should consider. Retrieved April 13, 2014, from National Labor Relations Board. (2014). Employer/union rights and obligations. Retrieved April 13, 2014, from United States Department of Labor. (2014). Employee retirement income security act ERISA. Retrieved April 13, 2014, from United Stated Department of Labor. (2014). Employer rights and responsibilities following an OSHA inspection. Retrieved April 13, 2014, from United States Department of Labor. (2014). Wage and hour division. Retrieved April 13, 2014, fro m
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Introduction to Landscape Painting
Introduction to Landscape Painting Landscapes are works of art that feature scenes of nature. This includes mountains, lakes, gardens, rivers, and any scenic view. Landscapes can be oil paintings, watercolors, gauche, pastels, or prints of any kind. Painting the Scenery Derived from the Dutch word landschap, landscape paintings capture the natural world around us. We tend to think of this genre as majestic mountain scenes, gently rolling hills, and still water garden ponds. Yet, landscapes can depict any scenery and feature subjects within them such as buildings, animals, and people. While there is a traditional viewpoint of landscapes, over the years artists have turned to other settings. Cityscapes, for instance, are views of urban areas, seascapes capture the ocean, and waterscapes feature freshwater such as the work of Monet on the Seine. Landscape as a Format In art, the word landscape has another definition. Landscape format refers to a picture plane that has a width which is greater than its height. Essentially, it is a piece of art in a horizontal rather than a vertical orientation. Landscape in this sense is indeed derived from landscape paintings. The horizontal format is much more conducive to capturing the wide vistas that artists hope to portray in their work. A vertical format, though used for some landscapes, tends to restrict the vantage point of the subject and may not have the same impact. Landscape Painting in History As popular as they may be today, landscapes are relatively new to the art world. Capturing the beauty of the natural world was not a priority in early art when the focus was on spiritual or historical subjects. It was not until the 17th century that landscape painting began to emerge. Many art historians recognize that it was during this time that scenery became the subject itself and not just an element in the background. This included the work of French painters Claude Lorraine and Nicholas Poussin as well as Dutch artists like Jacob van Ruysdael. Landscape painting ranked fourth in the hierarchy of genres set up by the French Academy. History painting, portraiture, and genre painting were considered more important. The still life genre was considered less important. This new genre of painting took off, and by the 19th century, it had gained widespread popularity. It often romanticized the scenic views and came to dominate the subjects of paintings as artists attempted to capture what was around them for all to see. Landscapes also gave the first (and only) glimpse many people had of foreign lands. When the Impressionists emerged in the mid-1800s, landscapes began to be less realistic and literal. Though collectors will always enjoy realistic landscapes, artists like Monet, Renoir, and Cezanne demonstrated a new view of the natural world. From there, landscape painting has thrived, and it is now one of the most popular genres among collectors. Artists have taken the landscape to a variety of places with new interpretations and many sticking with tradition. One thing is for sure; the landscape genre now dominates the landscape of the art world.
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