Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Native Writers And Intellectuals Presented The Time
Raquel Spencer Antebellum black writers and intellectuals presented the time as one that not only required defending the people’s rights to merely exist as citizens in America but also desperately called for proving that blacks were even a part of the human race. With scientific racism emerging out of the 18th century enlightenment, European influences on racial classification had permeated the minds of white slavery advocates and intellectuals. By using techniques simliar to classifying the animal kingdom, racist ideology provided generous and universally accepted rationalization for the popular idea that black men and women were inherently inferior and had natural incapacities. This ideology was used to justify and popularize black†¦show more content†¦For example, environmentalist defenses of the unity of mankind projected that men all have the same human characteristics. â€Å"Rather than equal before god, men were equal before their environment. The fact that all men became da rkened by exposure to the sun was of a significantly different order than the fact that all men came to face the justice of God.†At this point arguments based on overarching spiritual equality of all men would become increasingly rare. In it’s plaee, black ethnology became the main defense used by black thinkers and writers. Black intellectuals on a broad spectrum such as Russwurm, Douglass, Smith, Washington, Pennington, and a plethora of others claimed ancestry to Egypt and Ethiopia. In claiming the glories of both ancient civilizations black writers intended to counter the belief that blacks did not and could not produce any poets, mathemeticians, or anything above servanthood-ready individuals. White counterarguments consisted of two ideas: the curse of Ham and that egyptians were not black, and if there were blacks they were servents. Through the 19th century white southerners often spoke of AAs as the children of Ham and did not invoke this genealogy to tie the b lack race to egypt. white people had identified the Hamites as the negro people and viewed their color as a curse. this view was popular when presenting the negro as inferior by nature and a natural slave. southern
Monday, December 23, 2019
Notes On Cash Flow Management - 2002 Words
Introduction to Cash Flow Management Cash is king when it comes to managing the financials for a small business. Managing cash can easily make or break a company in the early stages of the business cycle. Cash flow refers to the amounts of money moving in and out of the business. When an entrepreneur starts his business, one way or another capital must be raised in order to fund the daily operations of the business. The business can either have a positive cash flow where the company brings in more money than it spends (which is a sign of god financial strength for a company), or it can have a negative cash flow that is caused by spending more money than what is taken in (the largest cause of business failure) (Reuters 2016). To better†¦show more content†¦These four steps focus in on the key elements for cash flow analysis of accounts receivable, accounts payable, and managing shortfalls. II. Measuring the Cash Flow Preparing future cash flow projections each year, quarter, month, and even weekly depending on your company’s current financial position gives an accurate cash flow forecast that can alert the business of potential pitfalls before they actually happen. Cash flow plans are educated estimates combining a number of factors namely accounts receivables (what customers and clients owe you), accounts payables (what you owe vendors), and potential threats to your cash flow. A cash flow projection starts with cash on hand at the beginning of the period along with other receivables that are likely to be collected within the period. While gathering this information, you will learn detailed information about your finances, creditors, investors, etc. Essentially, you are inquiring to figure out how much cash in the form of customer payments, interest earnings, different fees, partial collections of bad debts, and other sources are you going to get in, and when. The second most important aspect of creating a cash flow projection is having an in-depth, detailed knowledge of upcoming cash inflows and outflows. The owner (or person creating the cash flow) should not only know when each dollar is
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Management organisational behaviour Free Essays
Question: Goal-setting Is widely used In management practice, but is goal-setting all pros and no cons? Discuss both the benefits and the possible downside, or â€Å"darkled†of goal- setting. Introduction Introduce the topic and briefly describe what goal setting is in your own words. Define how we’re going to apply goal-setting in the context of an organization Briefly discuss the pros and cons of goal-setting Discuss my point of view- what are the most efficient methods of goal-settings and how can they be applied to an organization or an Individual. We will write a custom essay sample on Management organisational behaviour or any similar topic only for you Order Now Paragraph 1 (What is goal setting? In detail, explain what goal-setting is and define Edwin A. Locker’s Goal-setting theory Discuss what factors influence goal setting (E. G Specific, realistic goals work best) Evaluate on how organizations and individuals apply goal-settings Paragraph 2 ( why do we use It? ) Motivation Help you to visualize and plan actions to achieve what you want then carry it out Paragraph 3 (Benefits/Pros) Begin the paragraph with how goal-setting is beneficial as a topic sentence Create a list of key benefits that can be applied to organizations and individuals Gives a path o you know exactly where you are going and what you need to do to get there without procrastinating. Timeliness that consists of smaller milestones, so that it makes the larger goal seem more achievable Set milestones will force you to set prolepses, hence preventing you from getting distracted Organization Goals could be achieved faster and more effectively when it is being broken down into smaller goals and collaborated in a team Obtaining smaller and more frequent milestones will give a sense of achievement that motivates the organization When an organization is working with a client smaller goals allows the client to be always aware of the organizations progress towards the final goal providing a sense of security Individuals Makes you aware of your own strengths and weaknesses Keeps you focused Makes you responsible for your own success or failures Improve your self-image Limits your stress Paragraph 4 ( Negatives ) Begin the paragraph with discussing the downsides of goal-setting Create a list of key downsides that can be implied to organizations and individuals Creates a fear of losing ( being criticized) High speed performance may trigger inaccuracy, and lack of details when reaching the final goal. Higher accuracy could be acquired but it happens at a much slower rate, due to focus on improving quality. Organization in goals. Method of achieving that milestone may be different for each individual when it is crucial to work diligently as a team Individual Intense amount of workload may denominate a person into procrastinating once he or she believes that their goal can never be achieved until its deadline (exhaustion) Competition may be used as a catalyst to speed up the rate of achievement, but it ay result in hindered goal accomplishment. Shortage of time may lead workers to apply unsystematic methods, being unable to obtain goals ethically or effectively. Paragraph 5 (So how do we use Goal-setting to its maximum capacity? Briefly explain how goal setting is commonly used within organizations Give examples of real life goal orientated organizations and individuals Carefully design timeliness back up plans Paragraph 6 (conclusion) Reintroduce the topic question Summaries each p aragraphs What is goal setting? Why do we use goal setting Benefits and downsides How do we use goal setting to its maximum capacity Diaries Plan Week 4 – Starting 18th August Research and collect any available articles about goal-setting using cholesterol, encroach, protest, then start reading Gather brief information on each articles Start writing down basic format of assignment 1 learn how to reference using Harvard or PAPA style referencing Start writing up assignment 1 Week 5 – Starting 25th August Finish with assignment 1 Assignment 1 due on 27th of August Complete full/detailed research from collected resources Week 6 – Starting 3rd September Collect information for first and second paragraph with Cholesterol, Encroach, and protest – What is Goal-setting? , and why do we use it Have a basic format of how the introduction and second paragraphs will be written Final write up will be conducted later on after collecting all the necessary information Week 7 – Starting 9th September Collect information for paragraph 3 and 4 with Cholesterol, Encroach, and protest – Benefits and Downsides Have a basic format/written guide of how the third and fourth paragraphs will be written Week 8 – Starting 16th September Collect information for paragraph 5 with Cholesterol, Encroach, and protest – How do we use it to maximize its use? Have a basic format/written guide of how the fifth paragraph will be written Start assignment 2 Complete all of the body paragraphs up to the conclusion Start and complete the conclusion Start and complete the referencing Allow peer review for independent perspectives or for checking grammatical errors Study Break – Starting 1st October Final proof reading of assignment 2 by yourself week 10 – ASSIGNMENT TWO DUE on 7th October Hand in essay via Nipping website before 4:pm Annotated bibliography Lethal, GAP 2004, ‘The motivational benefits of goal setting, Academy of Management Executive, Volvo. 18, no. 4, up. 126-129. The article a researched based on motivation, self- regulation and task management. This research is based on a hypothesis that people who assign tasks for themselves, or have their own set of goals to achieve by certain deadlines would generally outperform those who are assigned tasks by their bosses. In the end however, the researchers discovered t hat regardless of how the tasks were assigned to a person, the level of commitment was on par. However, people with different traits and personalities might show a great difference of performance quality when a task is assigned to them rather than giving them the freedom of setting their own tasks. Other studies relating to this research were further conducted, and one of them showed that if the difficulty of the task was unchanged, the level of performance was also constant regardless of being assigned to or self-regulated. Although I agree with the author, I disagree with some parts of the article since the level of performance will not stay constant when the difficulty rises. Due to some loss in motivation after being faced with a goal that they know they could never achieve in, some people would rather under achieve than to be disappointed in their results. Locke, EAI Lethal, GAP 2006, ‘New Directions in Goal Setting Theory, A Journal of the Association for Psychological Science, Volvo. 15, no. 5, up. 265-268 The article is about a relationship between goal-setting and task performance during a 25 year period, based on 400 laboratory and field studies. The method of research involved arranging participants into groups of different level of tasks. For example the American Pulpwood Association experimented on their uneducated, unskilled laborers to see if setting a goal would increase their productivity. Tight deadlines soon lead to a rapid increase in work pace and set goals also motivated the workers to discover the knowledge needed to obtain greater goals. The research illustrated how motivation can be measured from different levels of realistic goals when compared with the level of motivation of having loose deadlines. The data collected higher task performance, whereas easy, vague, and unrealistic goals lead to a decline in and task performance. I agree with this article as having a set goal that is realistic boosts moral and motivation to increase anyone’s work performance. Kim, Hammer, Jay S, W. Clay, 1976. Journal of Applied Psychology. Effect of Performance Feedback and Goal Setting on Productivity and Satisfaction in an Organizational Setting, 61 , 48-57. The article illustrates how a combination of feedback and goal settings significantly increased the work performance. The research was conducted in four separate plants with service type Jobs, with the majority of the participants whom were blue-collar, and the rest of them being women. Three objective reference measures were accounted for (cost performance, absenteeism, and safety). The results clearly indicate that a combination of goal setting and feedback is far superior to goal setting alone on the cost and safety measures of performance. However, a mix of intrinsic and extrinsic feedbacks would maximize the full capacity of a person’s performance level. In my opinion, this article is very accurate since it can be applied to any gender and age. Constructive feedbacks that are both intrinsic and extrinsic is crucial for students to learn where they went wrong in order to perform better in upcoming tasks. How to cite Management organisational behaviour, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Reassembling the Social- An Introduction to Actor Network Theory
Question: Describe about Reassembling the Social- An Introduction to Actor Network Theory? Answer: Introduction- The Actor Network Theory is a description of Human and Non-Human factors that influence the innovation of a technical development. The Actor Network Theory was developed by Bruno Latour the French Theorist and the main Architect of the Theory along with Michel Callon and John Law emphasises the sociological impact on a technical advancement. As the Human being is a social creature and there is relationship and dependency among Human and Non-Human Elements. For example it is stated that Einstein developed the Theory of relativity in physics but here with Einstein there is the environmental factors, previous theories, laws, inspiration from living as well as Non- living factors which led to develop this theory. The Actor Network Theory tries to develop the relationship of all the factors which led to the scientific or technical development in form of a network. This theory highlights the relationship of the Human and Non-Human factors called Actants and present a theory for the descrip tion which gives a clear meaning and material. This theory is also in controversy as it treats both Human and Non-Human Actants equally in the Actants Network. Actor Network Theory- According to the Actor Network the theory Actant can be described as the Entity which participates in a relationship, the entity can be human or a non-human. For example if one travel in a train then Driver, Passengers, On-Duty Personals, Train, Engine, Technology of Running Train, Fuel all are considered to be an Actant for Train Travelling System. Software Actant are the series of instructions to computer in a particular programming language to perform certain task or bring a functionality in a computer. Further Hardware Actants are Non-Human physical elements which participate in development of a technical or scientific innovation. For example physical components of computer, devices used for networking of the computers, interconnected electronic devices or the Digital Computer devices controlled through softwares. The Social Actants are the people, culture and structures. Actor Network theory brings Human and Non-Human factors together in one network, basically it states nothing is alone, there is association, there is dependency and there is relation among either Human-Human factors or Human-Non-Human Factors. It also utilises the Semiotic concept to map the relationship between Actants. The concepts in Actor Network Theory can be categorized into the Translation, Intermediaries Mediators, Generalized Symmetry, Actants, Token Objects and Punctualisation. Intermediaries are those actants which does not bring any difference in the objective of the Network on the other hand Mediators Modify and also can distort the meaning or elements it carry. Generalized Symmetry defines all the Actants whether Human or Non-Human Actants should be treated equally. Actants are participating Entities in the network. Token Object is defined as the participating actant at particular instant and Punctualisation can be defined as Black Boxed. The Actor Network Theory concepts are helpful in performing the management of an organization as it associates all human as well as the non-human elements in a network to understand the complexity of an organization. It provides a holistic approach to use the technologies to run an organization. Not only has it helped to select the best technology for organization it also considers the social impact and social influence of the technologies . It also helps in developing an informed approach of selecting the samples for data analysis. This theory is also helpful in Human Resource Management. It helps in examining the repetitive activities and developing a well-designed framework for understanding the variation and consistency elements , it is also helpful for analysing the time and space in assigned management practice. Moreover this theory stresses to imply the case-studies for research to have a wide description of various management practices and due to their derivation the best man agement practice is developed and can be applied (Cresswell, Worth, 2010 ) . Benefits and Advantages- The advantages of the Actor Network Theory are several. Firstly as other theories which stress on process and structure on the other hand this theory give stress on detail of process and structure with both Human and Non-Human Actants. Secondly as other theories completely ignore the non-Human elements in description of the innovation on the other hand ANT completely specifies the non-Human elements, their role, and association in the development. ANT even specifies the assumptions taken for developments which are somehow marginalized. ANT also focuses on the change management . Like other theories ANT is also criticized for various reasons firstly the complexity of this theory. Secondly it gives limited analysis of social structures. And treating both living and non-living elements also brings criticism. These can be considered its disadvantages( Tara Fenwick, Richard Edwards) . The first example computing news story taken in this essay is on the Campaign Internet.org initiated by Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg that some Internet sites should be made free, such as Educational, government sites and several other social service sites so that the serviceability should be reached to the economically weaker sections who can make their life better and can also give new innovations for the development of society ( Hempel ,2016). Now the analysis of this news story is according to the Actor Network Theory. The main Actants in this news story are Structural Actant, Assemblage Actant, Digital Actant, Network Actant and semeotic Actant. This news story focuses on the campaign initiated by Facebook Head Mr Mark Zuckerberg which demands to make free the limited access of Internet making some educational and government and some social websites free. For this Facebook has launched a plan for their campaign Internet.org which is a structural Actant helpful for describing the Computing Assemblage of the plan. Now a big discussion arises in the permission allotted to the websites under Internet.org to have access to the users , the conflict in assemblage to decide which websites are for service and which are for economic or political gain. Internet.org assembles all the websites as Actants in the Assemblage and position them as it or Blocked. At the technical level the proxy server with its Encryption-Decryption techni que and through Hypertext transfer Protocol will act as an actant in the network to control the permission to the websites in the network. But here the risk that Hackers will misuse the digital Actants. The e-commerce websites will also gain benefit by gaining new possible potential users for their products. Another big question is the issue of privacy of peoples because several government websites contain data about personal detail which can be misused. Secondly the campaign partners Nokia, Samsung, Ericsson, Opera and Qualcomm are actively participating in this cause or not . The second example computing news story taken is Ericsson, Nokia offer contrasting timelines for 5G network upgrades on Thomson Reuters. Both the companies are giving their own launch dates but on the other side the customers are worried about the features of 5G, Compatibility issues with current Hardware and software and most importantly the cost factor ( Auchard , 2016). The Analysis of this story through Actor Network Theory is as follows .The main Actants in this news story are Structural Actant, Octant Actant, Digital Actant, Semantic Actant, Generalized Symmetry and Cooaption. According to the Eriksson which is the largest supplier of communication devices in the world has stated that it expects that there will be about 150 million users for next generation 5G smart networks in coming next 5 years. Here both Ericsson and Nokia are Actants and they both play generalized Symmetry in this news story. Here both of them can also be defined as Octant type Entity as they develop or participates in technical innovation. With this a debate has raised do the upgrading of network should begin. Upgrading of the network implies that the organizations should start developing Infrastructure as well as the software as well as Hardware components compatible to the coming 5G Network. On the other hand Ericsson rival company Nokia has stated that 5G ready network w ill be ready by 2017. Here 5G is a main participating Digital Actants, The Ericsson and The Nokia acts as a Structural Actants in the network. Another debate is what will be the feature of 5G as both the companies are giving their views and secondly what type and number of devices will be required to use 5G Network. Here features of the 5G-Network also act as the Digital Actant. The cooaption with the other Hardware Components and Software works as a semantic Actant. Another issue is whether operators are ready to spend huge investment on it. Another debate is continuous upgrading of technology is to bring advancement or barriers. This is digital Actant in the network as bringing out continuous upgrading demand huge investment, time and Human effort. There should be full justification of whole investment. Conclusion-: This was a simple student approach to explain the Actor Network Theory. Actor Network Theory is a very significant approach to highlight each and every element either it is Human or Non-Human elements. This theory simply states nothing can be done alone, there is dependency, there is association, there is inspiration, the environment , research which plays an effective role in development of any scientific or technical innovation. All the participating elements are termed Actants in the Actor Network Theory. All the actants either Human or Non-Human are put in a network so that better understanding and role of each Actant can be well understood. The ANT theory is a wide research area and can be explained more finely but due to limited time and student level knowledge and expertise this was a simple approach. No doubt this course work helped to gain more knowledge about ANT and will definitely help in future career. References Bruno Latour, Reassembling the Social- An Introduction to Actor Network Theory, Oxford Publication London Arthur Tatnall, Victoria University, Actor-Network Theory and Technology Innovation: Advancements and New Concepts, Australia Tara Fenwick, Richard Edwards, Actor-Network Theory in Education, Routledge Publication Arthuer Tatnall, Technological Advancements and the Impact of Actor-Network Theory, IGI Global Publication Kathrin M Cresswell, Allison Worth, Aziz Shekh, Published online 2010 Nov 1. doi: 10.1186/1472-6947-10-67, Actor-Network Theory and its role in understanding the implementation of information technology developments in healthcare, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov Rafael Alcadipani, Robert Westwood, and Alexandre Rosa, Human Relations, January 2015; vol. 68, 1: pp. 79-106., first published on September 25, 2014, The politics of identity in organizational ethnographic research: Ethnicity and tropicalist intrusions, www.org.sagepub.com Eric Auchard, Mon Feb 22, 2016 6:43am EST,Reuters, Ericsson, Nokia offer contrasting timelines for 5G network upgrades,www.reuters.com Jessi Hempel ,01.19.16, Wired, INSIDE FACEBOOKS AMBITIOUS PLAN TO CONNECT THE WHOLE WORLD,/www.wired.com/2016/01/facebook-zuckerberg-internet-org/
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