Monday, August 24, 2020
Policy Framework Data Breaches
Question: Talk about the Policy Framework for Data Breaches. Answer: Presentation: The security break, otherwise called the security infringement alludes to an occurrence in the data innovation zone. It happens when an application or an individual barges in into the consistent IT outskirts which is private, unapproved and secret (Walters, 2014). An exploration has been done with respect to the occurrence of security firms got thumped around in Russia. It occurred from September to December on 2015. The accompanying report centers about the issue, the manner in which it happened and the purposes for it on the premise if the examination. The security penetrate brings about the unapproved entrance of systems, gadgets, administrations, applications and information by bypassing through the supporting security instruments. On the long stretch of October, the Russian security from the Kaspersky lab asserted that their system is penetrated. They have just made famous line programming on antivirus and they implied that the programmers were as a matter of fact the operators working for the state. Eugene, the CEO acclaimed that the break happened utilizing zero-day and arrangement of cutting edge assaults. This was done to assemble information about the most recent administrations and innovation of the organization (Stanwick, 2014). This has been one of the early foundation of assault on security by any malignant trespasser. The gatecrasher could have been any saltine, programmer or any odious application. The security techniques and approaches were abused. It could be anything differing from the low to high basic dangers. Numerous experts in the digital security division begat the year 2014 as the time of penetrate. At that point, the time of 2015 was viewed as the time of the penetrate 2.0 as the assailants were following greater prey. This incorporated the critical government offices like the assault on the Kasperkey Lab (Johnson, 2015). Be that as it may, there have been two silver linings working on this issue. Right off the bat, the Lab announced that the attack were resolved before any effective mischief was finished. The clients were likewise made sure about while the invasion has been going on (Leon, 2015). Furthermore, the activity got simpler as the assault was done over an organization that has been had practical experience in establishing new assaulting procedures. This factor was the most significant. Subsequently assaulting on this organization was not a decent methodology. The aggressors has lost their costly and progressed innovative structure created with heaps of repentance through numerous years. Additionally, a few innovations have been as of now open under the permitting concurrences on which the aggressors have attempted to keep observation (McDougal, 2015). Further, the most recent vectors of assault used were remembered as of now for the checking programming of the firm. How the issue happened: It has been not satisfactory who attempted the penetrate. Two or three zero-day adventures of Flash were sitting in the open hanging tight for the dynamic days when the information ought to be jumped out. The programmers had all the earmarks of being a similar group that was made by Duqu. It was a spyware that was found on 2011. As uncovered by Kasperkey, the handicraft of the group sprung up with two complex instruments. They were the Flame observation stage gigantic in nature tainting a huge number of individuals for a long time (Haukkala, 2015). Another was the Gauss assault secrets in nature contain a payload bolted with security and was not deciphered at this point. Malware has been spread by utilizing the Microsoft Software Installer records. These records have been commonly utilized by the workers of the data innovation so as to introduce programming into remote PCs. The expense of the zero-day misuses was thought to be high. Purpose for the assault: The assailants turned settled in inside their system for certain years. Their motivation had been to siphon the insight with respect to the assaults on country expresses that the organization was contributing. It resembled a circumstance here the eyewitnesses have been watching the spectators who have been watching them. They likewise wanted to contemplate the working instruments of Kasperskys location programming (Jacobson, 2015). As such they wished to have the option to devise techniques for not getting captured. Potential answers for the assault: Kaspersky was effective in deciding them while going a trial of a most recent item. That has been created to reveal the specific kinds of assault the aggressors have propelled. The main methodology that has been moral from such disclosures of abuse has been to uncover them. The divulgence was to be done to the product creators. In the current case the product creator was the Adobe Systems Inc (Bradshaw, 2015). Breaks have been as yet hoarding a lot of parts of the spotlight. Notwithstanding this, rather being constrained by the occasions hitting colossal retail clients, its impact has been unique. It put its effect on the tech monsters, open parts. It further influenced the people and firms who have confided in the online security of Kaspersky. This made the time of 2015 the amazingly most unpleasant year. The spying over the digital security firms has been a hazardous inclination and practice. The best way to make sure about the countries has been to battle the assaults transparently by the security firms and offices of law implementation. All it began in June 2014 as one of representatives PC of JPMorgan was hacked. It was been contaminated with a malware that took some login certifications. The staff was associated remotely with the corporate system by VPN or virtual private system. The programmer grabbed the entrance to their inner system (Silver-Greenberg, Goldstein Perlroth, 2014). The accompanying report investigates the foundation of the issue. It figures out who were influenced and how it occurred. It has additionally investigated the manner by which the hacking was completed. Finally, the answers for anticipation are surveyed. The foundation of the issue: The programmers acquired subtleties of projects and applications that have been running on the PCs of the JP Morgan. They were somewhat guides for them. They crosschecked the rundowns with the known vulnerabilities inside each web application and program. They were scanning for the purpose of section back to the arrangement of the bank. This instance of obscurity has been guaranteed by different individuals who have contemplated the results of the criminological examination on the bank (Lohrke, Frownfelter-Lohrke Ketchen, 2016). The programmers have been working through abroad. They accomplished the section to the subtleties like names, telephone numbers, messages and addresses of the record holders at JPMorgan. JP Morgan pronounced that there has been no reasonable confirmation that this data of records with passwords or any standardized savings numbers were taken. They further guaranteed that there was no proof of extortion with respect to the client information (Lee, Maker At, 201 5). A part of the data taken additionally included inward data. These information has been distinguishing clients as indicated by the Visa, home loan and private banking. The bank would confront further dangers of hacking from the rundown of taken applications and records. These have been running on the PCs of JP Morgan to break down the vulnerabilities. The aggressors have prevailing with regards to concealing a portion of the tracks. This was on the grounds that as they have erased countless log documents. Sources have been guaranteeing this was conceivable they additionally broke before (Ferrell, 2016). JP Morgan has been spending around two fifty million dollars on their security every year. It comprised of a thousand of staffs occupied with digital security. This was 600 more than that of Google. After the case, various safety crews of JP Morgan left to work at different banks. This demonstrated the people who have understanding and information about the framework organize have been leaving (Corker, Silver-Greenberg Sanger, 2014). This had made JP Morgan powerless against more data penetrates. The digital assault contained the records subtleties of seventy 6,000,000 families with somewhere in the range of million little scope organizations. It has been a count that limited the past evaluations by JP Morgan and put the entrance among the most noteworthy ever. The certainty of the customers with respect to corporate Americas advanced tasks got exceptionally shaken. Retailers like the Home Depot and Target continued critical information penetrates. Forty million cardholders and seventy million of others have been undermined at the Target (Telang, 2015). Not at all like them JP Morgan which has been the biggest bank of the nation includes money related information inside its PCs going past subtleties of charge cards of the clients. It possibly included considerably more delicate data. Doing of the assault: The assailants figured out how to experience the few degrees of security. This was finished by releasing projects that were pernicious. These were created to get through the J.P. Morgans organize. At that point the assailants recovered the most noteworthy layer of benefits effectively. They took control on around ninety and more servers by various zero-day vulnerabilities. So as to escape discovery, the data was taken for a while gradually. There could be a case were the login qualification taken would get pointless. This would occur if that was not for the server ignored which neglected to recover the two factor confirmation redesign (Peters, 2014). The assaults could be limited by conveying the HIPS or Host-based Intrusion Prevention System. It has the battling capacity to catch and stop the malwares. This is on the grounds that its activity has been to stop and distinguish both obscure and known assaults. The product uses the framework calls to perform conduct checking. It watches the relationship among the exercises. It obstructs the techniques as it compasses to a top certainty level (Weise, 2014). Joining the elements of individual antivirus, IDS, conduct examination and firewall it forestalls the malwares from doing any damage. The people have been the most vulnerable connection continually with respect to security issues. This is on the grounds that
Saturday, August 22, 2020
What Matters free essay sample
Cash, sex, vehicles, and garments; these are things that are celebrated on the planet today and as what matter throughout everyday life. You won’t hear a fifth grade educator disclosing to her understudies that these are the things that issue throughout everyday life, except TV, music, and films work admirably at it. The American Dream is tied in with getting affluent so you can have anything you desire. What is the meaning of rich however? The main genuine well off people on the planet are the ones with ethics. Without them, we are coldhearted savages after material belongings. The United States of America highly esteems our sympathy and ability to help nations in pressure. Helping underdeveloped nations a great many miles away is a prime case of ethical quality. Our cognizant would not let us live with our fortunes while there are countries with their populace experiencing hunger. We become so coerce ridden at whatever point seeing an image of an individual in that circumstance that we need to take care of business. We will compose a custom article test on What Matters or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Without our ethics, huge numbers of individuals would be dead because of its nonappearance and the nonattendance of our guide. On the off chance that you believe that the hole between the well off in the U.S. is enormous, simply envision what it would resemble if there were no such things as government assistance and medicare. Subjection would at present be going on since there would be no one how might stand up and state that it isn't right. I wouldn’t even be composing this paper on the off chance that it weren’t for ethics, which is the reason it is the main thing. What Matters free exposition test There was a period I abhorred him, when we were both extremely youthful. He was cumbersome to take a gander at, all spindly legs and bumbling arms. I had at no other time met somebody so haughty, so staggeringly impolite, and just for the most part disagreeable. He delivered a ton of salivation at whatever point he talked, which thusly made him sound like the survivor of a never-ending cold. The most maddening thing about him, by a long shot, was his failure to sit still. He would wander about the homeroom, sneaking from work area to work area, continually making a scene out of staying away from contact with the floor. To know him at that point was a horrendous adversity. In any case, that period was brief, and is regularly overlooked. Past issues are actually that: past undertakings. Presently is the thing that issues, and to realize him currently is the best delight. He is still very cumbersome to look atnow much more soas his appendages are twice as thin and his walk multiple times as liquid. We will compose a custom exposition test on What Matters or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page His face is uncannily innocent and doesn’t very agree with his classical clothing. In any case, I have never known somebody with such an excellent soul as his. He is the kind of individual that isn't exactly certain in the event that he can be cherished, yet still figures out how to give out beyond what anybody could sensibly manage. Bliss goes back and forth for him in tsunamis. There are days when he emits with happiness; there are days when he is mental. Most days he seems, by all accounts, to be trapped in the middle of the two, lost some place inside himself. These are the days when he generally reacts with a â€Å"I’m fine†and a small smile, in spite of the fact that his eyes deceive his words, unequipped for covering reality. Truly he is continually near the precarious edge of demolition. At no other time have I experienced an individual so tormented. His psyche harbors evil spirits he will not allow anybody to see, however the impact that they have on him is exceedingly clear. They frequent him, cloud his heart with question, fool him into accepting he is useless. The antagonism tails him all over the place, plaguing the encompassing air like thick dark smoke, stifling all who dare track close to him. I accept that there is a piece of him that is burnt out on running, a section that needs to surrender, just to realize what it resembles not to live in dread. I likewise accept that there is a piece of him that needs, more than anything, to be savedthough he seldom feels that he merits sparing. It is hard, on occasion, to figure out which side will win. I will never let him know, yet he has a route about him that is totally enamoring. He frequently examines me, head positioned marginally to the other side, one eye squinted, and right when I feel as though I may dissolve under his investigation, he smiles and mumbles something like â€Å"We should see each other tomorrow. We’ll drink espresso and smoke stogies and tune in to old albums.†Then, when we meet the following day, we do anything besides that. I live for getting up on dim mornings laced in his arms, his taking in time with my pulse; sluggish evenings in his lounge room, lying on the floor as he cumbersomely plays his guitar and half-sings something he composed; evenings that crawl as we channel containers of wine and move to his father’s old records. His quality stirs each cell in my body. He rouses me to be better, for him, yet for the world. I endeavor to make him as glad for me as I am of him. He doesn't bid farewell. A glaring shortcoming of his, I am made frantic by the absence of graciousness. Discussions on the telephone are left open finished. Takeoffs in person comprise of a gesture and a quick turn of the heel, probably. Regardless of whether this is his decision, or basically something he isnt fit for doing, I will never know. â€Å"It’s pointless,†he says to me at whatever point I attempt to contend. â€Å"Why make things harder for yourself? Consider how much more joyful everybody would be on the off chance that they just at any point said hello.†It baffles me continually when he says this. I am left faltering, even as he feigns exacerbation and leaves the room. â€Å"But you don’t understand,†I shout toward him. â€Å"Goodbyes are everything.†My words still can't seem to impact him, however. In any event, when he left to read abroad for a year, he would not address anybody for about fourteen days preceding his journe y. I bring this up to him regularly; I tryin vainto articulate exactly the amount it harms when he does things like that. He answers with a you-know-how-I-am somewhat look and a remorseful shrug. At the point when he chose to leave once more, this time for any longer than a year, he did so discreetly and unexpectedly, similar to his way. I woke up alone that dim morning, jumping up, going through the house, shouting his name. Discovering his body folded in the restroom, discovering his soul no where. Needing to strip off everythingfrom his shirt to the very nailpolish I was wearingand dissipate into the first light. At no other time had I felt so empty. I tore through his possessions, through my effects, urgently looking for a note, an image, a sign. Falling next to him, requesting an explanation. His quiet was stunning. I ought to have been utilized to it by at that point; he had consistently been that way. It was a glaring flaw of mine to expect whatever else. In any case, our past shortcomings are only that: past flaws. I had the extraordinary fortune of knowing him, of cherishing himand that is what is important. To cherish him was the best satisfaction.
Friday, July 17, 2020
Medication-Induced OCD Behavior
Substance/Medication-Induced OCD Behavior OCD Causes Print Substance/Medication-Induced OCD By Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Elizabeth Hartney, BSc, MSc, MA, PhD is a psychologist, professor, and Director of the Centre for Health Leadership and Research at Royal Roads University, Canada. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on October 11, 2019 Atsushi Yamada/Getty Images More in OCD Causes Symptoms and Diagnosis Treatment Types Living With OCD Related Conditions Substance/medication-induced obsessive compulsive disorder is the diagnostic name for drug-induced OCD. Obsessive-compulsive behavior is a group of seemingly uncontrollable and repetitive behaviors that are driven by obsessions. Obsessions are unwanted thoughts, urges or images that intrude on an individuals consciousness. They are associated with compulsive behaviors which are actions that the person feels compelled to carry out often in response to, and in an effort to control an obsession. These behaviors can be body-focused, for example, picking at ones own skin, or pulling out ones own hairs. Obsessions and compulsions can occur on their own or in combination and can be part of several different obsessive compulsive disorders, of which substance-induced OCD is just one. Unlike the transient feelings and intrusive thoughts that everyone experiences from time to time, especially during times of stress, or the occasional habitual behaviors we also all engage in from time to time, substance-induced obsessive compulsive disorder is considerably worse and more difficult for the individual to control. Although substance-induced OCD is rare, the consequences can be severe. The compulsions rarely have any realistic connection to the obsessions they are designed to neutralize or prevent. Rather, they form a ritualistic behavior that is designed to reduce anxiety but ultimately worsen the overall condition. And while some people with obsessive compulsive disorders are aware that the beliefs that are part of their obsessions are probably not true, some are less certain, and others are convinced that they actually are true, to the point where their beliefs are delusions. When physicians or psychologists give a diagnosis of substance/medication-induced obsessive compulsive disorder, they check to make sure that the obsessions or compulsions were not there before the use of the drug thought to be responsible. This is because there are different types of obsessive compulsive disorders, and if the symptoms were there before the substance use, it probably isnt the substance/medication-induced type of OCD. How Soon After Taking the Drug Can OCD Be Induced? In some cases, almost immediately. There is even a category with onset during intoxication, which means that the obsessive compulsive episode actually begins when the individual is high on the drug. It can also occur during withdrawal, during which severe mental problems are common. It is important that the person receives ongoing assessment as they move through the detox process, to ensure they are properly diagnosed and treated if symptoms persist. Generally, the diagnosis isnt given if the person has a history of obsessive compulsive disorder without substance use, or if the symptoms continue for more than a month after the person becomes abstinent from the drug. Obsessive compulsive behaviors can sometimes be part of delirium, which can also be substance-induced. If this is the only time that the symptoms are experienced, then the diagnosis of Substance/Medication-Induced Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is not usually given. Finally, for the diagnosis of Substance/Medication-Induced Obsessive Compulsive Disorder to be given, there has to be some sort of significant impact that the obsessive compulsive behavior is having on the persons life, either by causing a great deal of distress, or by impairing some aspect of their life, such as their social life, their employment situation, or another part of their life that is important to them. Drugs That Can Cause the Condition Unlike many other substance- or medication-induced disorders, the number of substances that are recognized as causing obsessive compulsive is quite limited. They include: Amphetamine-induced obsessive compulsive disorderOther stimulant-induced obsessive compulsive disorderCocaine-induced obsessive compulsive disorderOther substance-induced obsessive compulsive disorderUnknown substance-induced obsessive compulsive disorder
Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Scientific Method Of Social Science Essay - 1504 Words
The Sociologic Scientific Method The scientific method is used to research a concept through all sciences. Social science uses the scientific method to systematically approach a research question or problems through objective and accurate observations, collection and analysis of data, and experimentation. Sociological research is the scientific means of acquiring information about various aspects of society and social behavior. Sociologist uses the scientific method to answer important questions just like any other scientist but instead they answer questions about society, deviance, and other cultures. Throughout this paper the scientific method will be used to analysis a research question. While following all of the strategic steps of the scientific method I will research the following question, â€Å"is violent behavior created in the environment a child lives in or the environment of their society?†The first step of the scientific method is defining the problem and produci ng a research question, in this case I am the researcher and the question I propose is â€Å"is violent behavior created in the environment a child lives in or the environment of their society?†The research question should be as clear and explanatory as possible so that readers get a clear understanding of what you are asking. Also when producing a research question the researcher must note all of the limitations, objectives, and purposes of the research. After choosing your topic or question the researcherShow MoreRelatedThe Effect of the Social Context of Scientific Work on the Methods and Findings of Science637 Words  | 3 PagesEffect of the Social Context of Scientific Work on the Methods and Findings of Science The world society is in a constant state of fluidity regarding everything from social customs and slang to technology and inventions. With even more abundance, scientific understanding and questioning evolve as time progresses. As the human race changes and grows, scientific knowledge of the world and universe must expand to accommodate the growth. To a large extent, the social situations Read MoreScience Throughout the Ages912 Words  | 4 PagesThe term Science comes from the Latin word scientia, meaning knowledge. The definition of science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay Commanding Lady Fortune Machiavelli’s Theory of...
Commanding Lady Fortune: Machiavelli’s Theory of History Machiavelli opens his Discourses on Livy by declaring that what will follow will be entirely revolutionaryâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å"a path yet untrodden by anyone†â€â€but then quickly backs down from such assertions, shifting his focus away from his own efforts to the modern views of the ancients, and leaving the nature of this revolutionary undertaking ambiguous (Discourses, 5) . Indeed, the purpose of the whole work is repeatedly skirted in the preface. Machiavelli instead focuses on the distinction between the moderns and the ancients, mourning the superficial modern adoption of ancient ideas in art and law that lacks a deeper understanding of the philosophical underpinnings of ancient thought. He†¦show more content†¦The implications of such a view of history for politics is Machiavelli’s claim that, because history is the study of the actions of great men with fixed natures, history itself is subject to a discernible method that may be used to understand the pres ent and predict the future. The man who understands the repetitive nature of history does not attribute the unexpected events of the present to fortune or God, but to his failure to find an accurate parallel to the present event in the past. In his outline of the proper education of a prince, Machiavelli suggests that â€Å"as to the exercise of the mind, a prince should read histories and consider in them the actions of excellent men, should see how they conducted themselves in wars, should examine the causes of their victories and losses, so as to be able to avoid the latter and imitate the former†(Prince, 60) . Philopoemen, by evaluating every possible military maneuver, achieved a state of expertise at which â€Å"there could never arise, while he led the army, any accident for which he did not have the remedy†(Prince, 60). In other words, the knowledge of all possibilities could head off the devastating effects of fortune. Thus, fortune is defined not as the sou rce of inexplicable events, but as the failure to predict events. Fortuneâ€â€whether good or illâ€â€is simply badShow MoreRelatedElizabethan Era11072 Words  | 45 PagesThe Elizabethan Age is the time period associated with the reign of Queen Elizabeth I (1558–1603) and is often considered to be a golden age in English history. It was an age considered to be the height of the English Renaissance, and saw the full flowering of English literature and English poetry. In Elizabethan theater, William Shakespeare, among others, composed and staged plays in a variety of settings that broke away from Englands past style of plays. It was an age of expansion and exploration
Hu Jintao Free Essays
Hu Jintao Since the beginning of civilization dictators have taken over and ruled there people. While some dictators are cruel and ruthless, others desire happiness of their people. Some acquire their power by force, while others go through the process fairly. We will write a custom essay sample on Hu Jintao or any similar topic only for you Order Now Once in power it is important to keep ones people in control through laws and policies. In George Orwell’s Animal Farm, one can compare the rise to fame, rules and policies, and cruelties and atrocities of Napoleon to that of the dictator Hu Jintao. One thing that sets Jintao apart from Napoleon is that somewhat low key way he ose to power. Hu Jintao began his political career at the bottom of the ladder and eventually climbed his way to the top (galegroup. com 2003). In 1982 Jintao was named party secretary of Guizhou Province by Hu Yaobank, a communist party officer. Once receiving this position he worked his way up to the title of president of china in 2003. Opposite of Jintao, Napoleon rose to power by force and cruel act (Orwell). Napoleon immediately named himself the leader of Animal Farm after old major died. When feeling threatened by his co-leader Snowball, he has him chased ff the farm by his guard dogs. Similar to the contrast of the rises to power, their actions as dictators also contrast greatly. While Napoleon is a leader of force and absolute control, Jintao is more about prosperity of China. Jintao had â€Å"shown that he can work effectively with others both those above and below his rank and with those of different governments†(galegroup. com 2004). Hu Jintao has tried successfully to rule china and its people to a state of prosperity. He has transformed the policies of China to upport this goal, while closely sheltering his people from the outside world. As Hu Jintao continued to lead China to prosperity napoleon inadvertently led the animals to destruction (Orwell). As leader, Napoleon made the animals inferior by creating laws that gave the pigs more rights. He changed many of the commandments to support his desire of absolute power. As dictators create these many policies, the republic naturally begins to resent them and in some cases they rebel. As the nation’s people began to question the actions of the government, many ictators resort violence as a way to control masses. Although not as major cruelties as Napoleon, Jintao has also committed some crimes as president. (history. com). while attempting to shelter the nation, Jintao has quietly been accused of crimes against the people of China. As a member of the communist party, Jintao was accused of human rights atrocities. While Jintao crimes are hidden and minor, Napoleon crimes are major and unimaginable (Orwell). Napoleon forced many of the animals to confess their unlawfulness and then shot and killed each one. He also sent boxer to be slaughtered at a glue factory once he was injured. As a dictator, Jintao and Napoleon committed unforgettable crimes. In George Orwell’s Animal Farm, one can compare the rise to fame, rules and policies, and cruelties and atrocities of Napoleon to that of the dictator Hu Jintao. He had a normal rising to power while Napoleon forced himself to be a ruler. Hu tried to destruction. Hu did not do any major atrocities, only being accused of minor crimes while Napoleon killed many. How to cite Hu Jintao, Papers
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Southwest Airlines Essays (2711 words) - Southwest Airlines
Southwest Airlines While flying home to Texas last summer with Southwest Airlines, I had the most fun and unique experience with an airline that I could ever remember. It all started out quite oddly enough in the lobby just before takeoff. As I was checking in at the ticket counter, the representative asked me if I wanted to play a game that could get me free round trip tickets. "Sure, who wouldn't," I exclaimed. As she gave me my boarding pass she said, "Great, how many holes do you have in your socks?" Initially caught off guard, I responded, "Excuse me!" "The free tickets are being given to the customer who has the most holes in their socks," she explained with a perky smile. It was just my luck that I was wearing sandals. I told her, "Too bad your not checking underwear, because I'm sure I could be in the running for some free tickets with that sort of game." The remainder of the flight was filled with jokes and gags yet quality service from the pilot to the flight attendants. I can remember our flight attendant, dressed in a T-shirt, shorts and tennis shoes along with the rest of the staff, enhanced the safety announcements with the remark: "There may be fifty ways to leave your lover, but there are only six ways to leave this aircraft." Having fun is obviously a big part of Southwest Airlines formula to success. It all starts from the top with their childish yet brilliant boss Herb Kelleher. Kelleher, the company's CEO, is the "nut" behind these shenanigans. This chain-smoking, Wild Turkey-drinking Texas transplant from New Jersey has: ? Dressed for employee celebrations as Roy Orbison, Elvis, a medieval knight and a teapot; ? Passed out the peanuts himself on board his orange and brown 737s ? In front of cheering employees, arm-wrestled another CEO for the right to use the slogan "Plane Smart." (He got whipped, but he used the slogan anyway.) This man, once called "The High Priest of Ha Ha" by Fortune Magazine firmly believes: "If you feel real good about coming to work, if you feel real good about what you're doing, if you feel you are doing something for a meaningful cause and you're having fun while you're doing it, then you look forward to coming to work. You don't succumb to stress as easily and you cooperate with other people more quickly and more easily. If you have a sense of humor . . . it tends to not allow you to make mountains out of molehills." 1 Kelleher, known as Herb to the troops and his partners, reinvented air travel twenty-five years ago with its low fares and zany irreverent style. This paper will give a historical overview of the company, discuss the ingredients to the company success, offer some financial strengths and present a final conclusion. Section I: Southwest's History Twenty-seven years ago, Rollin King, a San Antonio entrepreneur who owned a small commuter air service, and Kelleher, who was a lawyer at the time, got together and decided to start a different kind of airline. They began with one simple notion. If you get your passengers to their destinations when they want to get there, on time, at the lowest possible fares, and make certain they have a good time doing it, people will fly your airline. And you know what? They were right. Within those 27 years, Southwest Airlines became the fifth largest major airline in America. Today, they have flown over 50 million passengers a year to 54 cities all over the southwest and beyond. They do it over 2,300 times a day with over 267 of the newest jets in the nation and fly only one type aircraft; the B-737. The average age of their fleet is only 8.4 years and they own over sixty percent of them. In May 1988, they were the first airline to win the coveted U.S. Department of Transportation Triple Crown for a month - Best On-time Record, Best Baggage Handling, and Fewest Customer Complaints. Since then, they've won it thirty-one times, as well as five annual Triple Crowns for 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, and 1996. They have been an airline whose has led to the advancement of the commercial airline industry. They were the first airline with a frequent flyer program to give credit for the number of trips taken and not the number of miles flown. They have pioneered senior discounts, Fun Fares, Fun Packs, a same-day air freight delivery service, ticketless
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Gas Chromatography - What It Is and How It Works
Gas Chromatography - What It Is and How It Works Gas chromatography (GC) is an analytical technique used to separate and analyze samples that can be vaporized without thermal decomposition. Sometimes gas chromatography is known as gas-liquid partition chromatography (GLPC) or vapor-phase chromatography (VPC). Technically, GPLC is the most correct term, since the separation of components in this type of chromatography relies on differences in behavior between a flowing mobile gas phase and a stationary liquid phase. The instrument that performs gas chromatography is called a gas chromatograph. The resulting graph that shows the data is called a gas chromatogram. Uses of Gas Chromatography GC is used as one test to help identify components of a liquid mixture and determine their relative concentration. It may also be used to separate and purify components of a mixture. Additionally, gas chromatography can be used to determine vapor pressure, heat of solution, and activity coefficients. Industries often use it to monitor processes to test for contamination or ensure a process is going as planned. Chromatography can test blood alcohol, drug purity, food purity, and essential oil quality. GC may be used on either organic or inorganic analytes, but the sample must be volatile. Ideally, the components of a sample should have different boiling points. How Gas Chromatography Works First, a liquid sample is prepared. The sample is mixed with a solvent and is injected into the gas chromatograph. Typically the sample size is small in the microliters range. Although the sample starts out as a liquid, it is vaporized into the gas phase. An inert carrier gas is also flowing through the chromatograph. This gas shouldnt react with any components of the mixture. Common carrier gases include argon, helium, and sometimes hydrogen. The sample and carrier gas are heated and enter a long tube, which is typically coiled to keep the size of the chromatograph manageable. The tube may be open (called tubular or capillary) or filled with a divided inert support material (a packed column). The tube is long to allow for a better separation of components. At the end of the tube is the detector, which records the amount of sample hitting it. In some cases, the sample may be recovered at the end of the column, too. The signals from the detector are used to produce a graph, the chrom atogram, which shows the amount of sample reaching the detector on the y-axis and generally how quickly it reached the detector on the x-axis (depending on what exactly the detector detects). The chromatogram shows a series of peaks. The size of the peaks is directly proportional to the amount of each component, although it cant be used to quantify the number of molecules in a sample. Usually, the first peak is from the inert carrier gas and the next peak is the solvent used to make the sample. Subsequent peaks represent compounds in a mixture. In order to identify the peaks on a gas chromatogram, the graph needs to be compared a chromatogram from a standard (known) mixture, to see where the peaks occur. At this point, you may be wondering why the components of the mixture separate while they are pushed along the tube. The inside of the tube is coated with a thin layer of liquid (the stationary phase). Gas or vapor in the interior of the tube (the vapor phase) moves along more quickly than molecules that interact with the liquid phase. Compounds that interact better with the gas phase tend to have lower boiling points (are volatile) and low molecular weights, while compounds that prefer the stationary phase tend to have higher boiling points or are heavier. Other factors that affect the rate at which a compound progresses down the column (called the elution time) include polarity and the temperature of the column. Because temperature is so important, it is usually controlled within tenths of a degree and is selected based on the boiling point of the mixture. Detectors Used for Gas Chromatography There are many different types of detectors that can be used to produce a chromatogram. In general, they may be categorized as non-selective, which means they respond to all compounds except the carrier gas, selective, which respond to a range of compounds with common properties, and specific, which respond only to a certain compound. Different detectors use particular support gases and have different degrees of sensitivity. Some common types of detectors include: Detector Support Gas Selectivity Detection Level Flame ionization (FID) hydrogen and air most organics 100 pg Thermal conductivity (TCD) reference universal 1 ng Electron capture (ECD) make up nitriles, nitrites, halides, organometallics, peroxides, anhydrides 50 fg Photo-ionization (PID) make up aromatics, aliphatics, esters, aldehydes, ketones, amines, heterocyclics, some organometallics 2 pg When the support gas is called make up gas, it means gas is used to minimize band broadening. For FID, for example, nitrogen gas (N2) is often used. The users manual that accompanies a gas chromatograph outlines the gases that can be used in it and other details. Sources Pavia, Donald L., Gary M. Lampman, George S. Kritz, Randall G. Engel (2006). Introduction to Organic Laboratory Techniques (4th Ed.). Thomson Brooks/Cole. pp. 797–817.Grob, Robert L.; Barry, Eugene F. (2004). Modern Practice of Gas Chromatography (4th Ed.). John Wiley Sons.Harris, Daniel C. (1999). 24. Gas Chromatography. Quantitative chemical analysis (Fifth ed.). W. H. Freeman and Company. pp. 675–712. ISBN 0-7167-2881-8.Higson, S. (2004). Analytical Chemistry. Oxford University Press ISBN 978-0-19-850289-0
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Biography of Bernardo OHiggins, Liberator of Chile
Biography of Bernardo O'Higgins, Liberator of Chile Bernardo OHiggins (August 20, 1778–October 24, 1842) was a Chilean landowner, general, president, and one of the leaders of its struggle for independence. Although he had no formal military training, OHiggins took charge of the ragged rebel army and fought the Spanish from 1810 to 1818, when Chile achieved its independence. Today, he is revered as the liberator of Chile and the father of the nation. Fast Facts: Bernardo O'Higgins Known For: Leader during Chiles struggle for independence, general, presidentBorn: August 20, 1778 in Chilln, ChileParents: Ambrosio OHiggins and Isabel RiquelmeDied: October 24, 1842 in Lima, PeruEducation: San Carlos College, Peru, Catholic school in EnglandNotable Quote: Lads! Live with honor, or die with glory! He who is brave, follow me! Early Life Bernardo was the illegitimate child of Ambrosio OHiggins, a Spanish officer born in Ireland who immigrated to South America and rose through the ranks of the Spanish bureaucracy, eventually reaching the high post of Viceroy of Peru. His mother Isabel Riquelme was the daughter of a prominent local, and he was raised with her family. Bernardo only met his father once (and at that time he did not know who he was) and spent most of his early life with his mother and traveling. As a young man, he went to England, where he lived on a small allowance that his father sent him. While there, Bernardo was tutored by legendary Venezuelan Revolutionary Francisco de Miranda. Return to Chile Ambrosio formally recognized his son in 1801 on his deathbed, and Bernardo suddenly found himself the owner of a prosperous estate in Chile. He returned to Chile and took possession of his inheritance, and for a few years he lived quietly in obscurity. He was appointed to the governing body as the representative of his region. Bernardo might well have lived his life as a farmer and local politician if it were not for the great tide of independence that was building in South America. OHiggins and Independence OHiggins was an important supporter of the September 18 movement in Chile, which began the nations struggle for independence. When it became apparent that the actions of Chile would lead to war, he raised two cavalry regiments and an infantry militia, mostly recruited from families who worked his lands. As he had no training, he learned how to use weapons from veteran soldiers. Juan Martà nez de Rozas was president and OHiggins supported him, but Rozas was accused of corruption and criticized for sending valuable troops and resources to Argentina to help the independence movement there. In July 1811, Rozas stepped down and was replaced by a moderate junta. OHiggins and Carrera The junta was soon overthrown by Josà © Miguel Carrera, a charismatic young Chilean aristocrat who had distinguished himself in the Spanish army in Europe before deciding to join the rebel cause. OHiggins and Carrera would have a tempestuous, complicated relationship for the duration of the struggle. Carrera was more dashing, outspoken, and charismatic, while OHiggins was more circumspect, brave, and pragmatic. During the early years of the struggle, OHiggins was generally subordinate to Carrera and dutifully followed his orders as best he could. This power dynamic would not last, however. The Siege of Chilln After a series of skirmishes and small battles against the Spanish and royalist forces from 1811–1813, OHiggins, Carrera, and other rebel generals chased the royalist army into the city of Chilln. They laid siege to the city in July of 1813, in the middle of the harsh Chilean winter. The siege was a disaster for the rebels. The patriots could not completely dislodge the royalists. When they did manage to take part of the town, the rebel forces engaged in raping and looting, which caused the province to sympathize with the royalist side. Many of Carreras soldiers, suffering in the cold without food, deserted. Carrera was forced to lift the siege on August 10, admitting that he could not take the city. Meanwhile, OHiggins had distinguished himself as a cavalry commander. Appointed Commander Not long after Chilln, Carrera, OHiggins, and their men were ambushed at a site called El Roble. Carrera fled the battlefield, but OHiggins remained despite a bullet wound in his leg. OHiggins turned the tide of the battle and emerged a national hero. The ruling junta in Santiago had seen enough of Carrera after his fiasco at Chilln and his cowardice at El Roble and made OHiggins commander of the army. OHiggins, always modest, argued against the move, saying that a change of high command was a bad idea, but the junta had decided: OHiggins would lead the army. The Battle of Rancagua OHiggins and his generals battled Spanish and royalist forces throughout Chile for another year before the next decisive engagement. In September 1814, Spanish General Mariano Osorio was moving a large force of royalists into position to take Santiago and end the rebellion. The rebels decided to make a stand outside the town of Rancagua, on the way to the capital. The Spanish crossed the river and drove off a rebel force under Luà s Carrera (brother of Josà © Miguel). Another Carrera brother, Juan Josà ©, was trapped in the city. OHiggins bravely moved his men into the city to reinforce Juan Josà © in spite of the approaching army, which far outnumbered the rebels in the city. Although OHiggins and the rebels fought very bravely, the result was predictable. The massive royalist force eventually drove the rebels out of the city. The defeat could have been avoided had Luà s Carreras army returned, but it did not- under orders from Josà © Miguel. The devastating loss at Rancagua meant that Santiago would have to be abandoned: There was no way to keep the Spanish army out of the Chilean capital. Exile OHiggins and thousands of other Chilean rebels made the weary trek into Argentina and exile. He was joined by the Carrera brothers, who immediately began jockeying for position in the exile camp. Argentinas independence leader, Josà © de San Martà n, supported OHiggins, and the Carrera brothers were arrested. San Martà n began working with Chilean patriots to organize the liberation of Chile. Meanwhile, the victorious Spanish in Chile were punishing the civilian population for their support of the rebellion. Their harsh brutality only caused the people of Chile to long for independence. When OHiggins returned, the general population was ready. Return to Chile San Martà n believed that all of the lands to the south would be vulnerable as long as Peru remained a royalist stronghold. Therefore, he raised an army. His plan was to cross the Andes, liberate Chile, and then march on Peru. OHiggins was his choice as the man to lead Chiles liberation. No other Chilean commanded the respect that OHiggins did (with the possible exception of the Carrera brothers, whom San Martà n did not trust). On January 12, 1817, a formidable rebel army of some 5,000 soldiers set out from Mendoza to cross the mighty Andes. Like Simà ³n Bolà vars epic 1819 crossing of the Andes, this expedition was very harsh. San Martà n and OHiggins lost some men in the crossing, although their sound planning meant that most soldiers survived. A clever ruse had sent the Spanish scrambling to defend the wrong passes and the army arrived in Chile unopposed. The Army of the Andes, as it was called, defeated the royalists at the Battle of Chacabuco on February 12, 1817, clearing the path to Santiago. When San Martà n defeated the Spanish last-gasp attack at the Battle of Maipu on April 5, 1818, the rebel victory was complete. By September 1818, most Spanish and royalist forces had retreated to try to defend Peru, the last Spanish stronghold on the continent. End of the Carreras San Martà n turned his attention to Peru, leaving OHiggins in charge of Chile as a virtual dictator. At first, he had no serious opposition: Juan Josà © and Luis Carrera had been captured attempting to infiltrate the rebel army. They were executed in Mendoza. Josà © Miguel, OHiggins greatest enemy, spent the years from 1817 to 1821 in southern Argentina with a small army, raiding towns in the name of gathering funds and weapons for liberation. He was finally executed after being captured, ending the long-standing and bitter OHiggins-Carrera feud. OHiggins the Dictator OHiggins, left in power by San Martà n, proved to be an authoritarian ruler. He hand-picked a Senate and the 1822 Constitution allowed representatives to be elected to a toothless legislative body. OHiggins was a de facto dictator. He believed that Chile needed a strong leader to implement change and control simmering royalist sentiment. OHiggins was a liberal who promoted education and equality and curtailed the privileges of the wealthy. He abolished all noble titles, even though there were few in Chile. He changed the tax code and did much to encourage commerce, including the completion of the Maipo Canal. Leading citizens who had repeatedly supported the royalist cause saw their lands taken away if they had left Chile and they were heavily taxed if they remained. The Bishop of Santiago, the royalist-leaning Santiago Rodrà guez Zorrilla, was exiled to Mendoza. OHiggins further alienated the church by allowing Protestantism into the new nation and by reserving the right to meddle in church appointments. He made many improvements to the military, establishing different branches of service, including a Navy to be led by the Scotsman Lord Thomas Cochrane. Under OHiggins, Chile remained active in the liberation of South America, often sending reinforcements and supplies to San Martà n and Simon Bolà var, then fighting in Peru. Downfall OHiggins support began to erode quickly. He had angered the elite by taking away their noble titles and, in some cases, their lands. He then alienated the commercial class by continuing to contribute to expensive wars in Peru. His finance minister Josà © Antonio Rodrà guez Aldea was revealed to be corrupt, using the office for personal gain. By 1822, hostility to OHiggins had reached a crucial point. The opposition to OHiggins gravitated towards General Ramà ³n Freile as a leader, himself a hero of the Independence wars, if not a hero of OHiggins stature. OHiggins attempted to placate his foes with a new constitution, but it was too little, too late. Seeing that cities were prepared to rise against him in arms, OHiggins agreed to step down on January 28, 1823. He remembered only too well the costly feuding between himself and the Carreras and how a lack of unity had almost cost Chile its independence. He went out in dramatic fashion, baring his chest to the assembled politicians and leaders who had turned against him and inviting them to take their bloody revenge. Instead, all present cheered for him and escorted him to his home. Exile General Josà © Marà a de la Cruz claimed that OHiggins peaceful departure from power avoided a good deal of bloodshed and said, OHiggins was greater in those hours than he had been in the most glorious days of his life. Intending to go into exile in Ireland, OHiggins made a stop in Peru, where he was warmly welcomed and given a large estate. OHiggins had always been a somewhat simple man and a reluctant general, hero, and president, and he happily settled into his life as a landowner. He met Bolà var and offered his services, but when he was offered only a ceremonial position, he returned home. Final Years and Death During his final years, OHiggins acted as an unofficial ambassador from Chile to Peru, although he never did return to Chile. He meddled in the politics of both countries, and he was on the verge of being unwelcome in Peru when he was invited back to Chile in 1842. He did not make it home, as he died of heart trouble while en route on October 24, 1842. Legacy Bernardo OHiggins was an unlikely hero. He was a bastard for most of his early life, unrecognized by his father, who was a devout supporter of the king. Bernardo was ingenious and dignified, not particularly ambitious nor an especially dazzling general or strategist. He was in many ways as unlike Simà ³n Bolivar as it is possible to be: Bolà var had much more in common with the dashing, confident Josà © Miguel Carrera. Nevertheless, OHiggins had many positive qualities that were not always apparent. He was brave, honest, forgiving, and dedicated to the cause of liberty. He did not back down from fights, even those he could not win. During the wars of liberation, he was often open to compromise when more stubborn leaders like Carrera were not. This prevented unnecessary bloodshed among rebel forces, even if it did mean repeatedly allowing the hot-headed Carrera back into power. Like many heroes, most of OHiggins failings have been forgotten and his successes are exaggerated and celebrated in Chile. He is revered as the Liberator of his country. His remains lie in a monument called The Altar of the Fatherland. A city is named after him, as well as several Chilean navy ships, countless streets, and a military base. Even his time as dictator of Chile, for which he has been criticized for clinging too tightly to power, is viewed by many historians as more beneficial than not. He was a strong personality when his nation needed guidance, yet by most accounts, he did not overly repress the people or use his power for personal gain. Many of his liberal policies, seen as radical at the time, are respected today. Sources Concha Cruz, Alejandor and Maltà ©s Cortà ©s, Julio. Historia de Chile. Bibliogrfica Internacional, 2008.Harvey, Robert. Liberators: Latin Americas Struggle for Independence. The Overlook Press, 2000.Lynch, John. The Spanish American Revolutions 1808–1826. W. W. Norton Company, 1986.Scheina, Robert L. Latin Americas Wars, Volume 1: The Age of the Caudillo 1791–1899. Brasseys Inc., 2003.Concha Cruz, Alejandor and Maltà ©s Cortà ©s, Julio. Historia de Chile Santiago: Bibliogrfica Internacional, 2008.Harvey, Robert. Liberators: Latin Americas Struggle for Independence.The Overlook Press, 2000.Lynch, John. The Spanish American Revolutions 1808-1826. W. W. Norton Company, 1986.Scheina, Robert L. Latin Americas Wars, Volume 1: The Age of the Caudillo 1791-1899. Brasseys Inc., 2003.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Global Positioning for Financial Services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Global Positioning for Financial Services - Essay Example In investment banking, investors were taxed on investment income but retail banking customers were taxed on savings (BROWN, 2007). The circular flow of income describes the reciprocal circulation of income between producers and consumers. The interdependent entities are producers, referred to as firms, and consumers referred to as households. These entities provide each other with factors, thus facilitating the flow of income. The firms produce and supply to consumers. The consumers intend to use the goods to meet their wants (RANDALL & MILLWOOD, 1983).Consumers’ expenditure is the income on the firms’ side. On the other hand, households provide the firms with factors of production and in return, they receive the reward which is income on their part. The structure for financial services regulation in the United Kingdom changed tremendously 1st April 2013. The then banking regulator, the Financial Services Authority was abolished and replaced with two institutions. First, the Financial Conduct Authority; mandated with watching the behavioral conduct, mainly regulating conduct related to the marketing of financial products. Secondly, the Prudential Regulation Authority; its mandate is to ensure the stability of financial services. The Bank of England was empowered to have direct supervision on the entire banking system through one of its part, Financial Policy committee (JOHNSON, 2000).
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Comparative democratisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Comparative democratisation - Essay Example The death of Franco elevated Dan Juan Carlos de Bourbon to the monarchy. Until Franco's death, Juan Carlos had discreetly stood in the background and served to follow the dictator's plan. However once in power as king of Spain Juan Carlos facilitated the development of the current political system, as his father, Don Juan de Bourbon had advocated since 1946. Juan Carlos began his reign without leaving the confines of Franco's legal system. As such he swore fidelity to the principles of the movement national, the sole legal party of the Franco era. He took possession of the crown before the Francoist Cortes Generales and respected Ley Organica del Estado (the organic law of the state) for the appointment of his first head of government. He showed the beginning of transition through his speech before the Cortes. The first government of Juan Carlos was presided over by Carlos Arias Navarro. The king made this appointment in accordance with the guidelines of the 1966 Ley organica Del Estado (organic law of the state). However in July 1976, as Prime Minister Arias Navarro continued to delay reform and object to democratisation, King Juan Carlos demanded his resignation. Fernandez Miranda, as president of the council of the kingdom, obtained Adolfo Suarez's placements on the new list of three candidates for head of the government. The king chose Suarez because he felt he would be able to meet the challenge of the would be political process that lay ahead. Adolfo Suarez quickly presented a clear program based on how two points; (a) The development of a law for political reform that once approved by the Cortes and Spanish public in a referendum would open the constituent process for creating a liberal democracy in Spain. (b) A call for democratic elections in June 1977, in order to elect a Cortes that would be charged with drawing up a new democratic constitution. Despite all difficulties from the army and opposition Suarez's project went underway without delay between July 1976 and June 1977. The draft of the law for political reform (Ley para la Reforma politiza) written by Torcuato Fernandez Miranda was approved by the Suarez Government in September 1976. This law was debated throughout the month of November by Cortes under the presidency of Fernandez-Miranda. It was approved with 425 votes in favour, 598 against and 13 abstentions. The Suarez government wanted to gain further legitimacy for the changes through a popular referendum with 77.72 % participation rate. 94% of the voters voted in favour of the changes to add to his credibility Suarez, freed 400 prisoners in July 1976. He also granted blanket amnesty in May same year. In December 1976, he disbanded the Tribunal de Order Publica (TOP), a sort of Francoist secret police. He legalized the right to strike, with the right to unionize being granted a month after Suarez initiated political contact with the opposition by meeting Felipe Gonzalez, secretary general of the PSOE in 1976. However the big problem was for po litical normalization was the legalization of the communist party of Spain (Partido communista de Espania). PCE's secretary general, Santiago Carrillo's offer of a "social pact" pushed Suarez to take the riskiest step of transition by legalizing PCE in April 1977. To resolve the difficulty of a group of hard -liner Francoist led by Jose Antonio Giron, Suarez centered on General Diez Alegria. He decided to give the members this group the
Friday, January 24, 2020
Descriptive Essay - The Evangelic Church :: Descriptive Essay, Descriptive Writing
It may seem a little bit strange, but my favorite place in town in none other than this beautiful Evangelic Church. However, it wasn’t always so. When I was a child I used to be frightened of entering such a place for it seemed so imposing and somewhat dangerous, especially when music was being played. One day, in order to keep a promise I had made, I saw myself forced to enter. It took me quite a while to get the courage to pass through the old oak door, but the moment I stepped in, I realized just how enchanting and breathtaking this building could be. Its fantastic architecture and exquisite frescoes reflect perfectly the unity between this earth and the unseen kingdom of angels in such a manner that one cannot say where one ends and the other begins. The way in which the church was built is also the vivid testimony of a medieval period. Although it is a place that can sometimes be cold and ask for respect it is where prayers are answered and magic is done. An overwhelming feeling of inner harmony takes over you once you enter and God seems much closer. Darkness and light are welded perfectly together creating Redemptionâ⠂¬â„¢s house. The tower allows you to see the entire town from the smallest river to the biggest building site, offering you its mightiness. In the early summer mornings, when the sunshine is young and playful, inside the church another realm is born. Sitting in the back rows one can see a heavenly mist flowing though the windows and filling the sleepy altar with life and hope. It is a different dimension in the breast of an unsuspecting world. Moments such as these bring you joy and reassurance and also show you that there really is someone out there: your soul is elevated, your mind is thirsty for new experiences and your body is strengthened. Each time I come to the Evangelic Church something changes inside myself for the better. Descriptive Essay - The Evangelic Church :: Descriptive Essay, Descriptive Writing It may seem a little bit strange, but my favorite place in town in none other than this beautiful Evangelic Church. However, it wasn’t always so. When I was a child I used to be frightened of entering such a place for it seemed so imposing and somewhat dangerous, especially when music was being played. One day, in order to keep a promise I had made, I saw myself forced to enter. It took me quite a while to get the courage to pass through the old oak door, but the moment I stepped in, I realized just how enchanting and breathtaking this building could be. Its fantastic architecture and exquisite frescoes reflect perfectly the unity between this earth and the unseen kingdom of angels in such a manner that one cannot say where one ends and the other begins. The way in which the church was built is also the vivid testimony of a medieval period. Although it is a place that can sometimes be cold and ask for respect it is where prayers are answered and magic is done. An overwhelming feeling of inner harmony takes over you once you enter and God seems much closer. Darkness and light are welded perfectly together creating Redemptionâ⠂¬â„¢s house. The tower allows you to see the entire town from the smallest river to the biggest building site, offering you its mightiness. In the early summer mornings, when the sunshine is young and playful, inside the church another realm is born. Sitting in the back rows one can see a heavenly mist flowing though the windows and filling the sleepy altar with life and hope. It is a different dimension in the breast of an unsuspecting world. Moments such as these bring you joy and reassurance and also show you that there really is someone out there: your soul is elevated, your mind is thirsty for new experiences and your body is strengthened. Each time I come to the Evangelic Church something changes inside myself for the better.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Advantages of working mother/housewife Essay
†¢ More disposable income †¢ Freedom to make independent financial choices with own money †¢ Meet more people †¢ Equal relationship †¢ Have a life outside of home Disadvantages of working mother †¢ Discrimination in the workplace when colleagues find you have a child †¢ Risk being critisized for not being home to care for child †¢ Less time for yourself †¢ Problems with finding good child care †¢ Juggling work with sick kids †¢ Spending almost half income on child care †¢ Being passed over for promotions because you have child Advantages of being a stay at home mother/housewife †¢ More time for domestic duties †¢ Easier to plan 100% time around family †¢ Able to be there for family †¢ Spend quality time with child †¢ Other parent confident when they go to work child is safe and well cared for Disadvantages of being stay at home mother/housewife *Less disposable income *Less freedom *Having to ask the bread winner for money to buy things *Being more financially accountable – it is his money *Less money for spontaneous purchases * More budgeting * Less opportunities for making friends *Being stigmatised as a brainless stay at home mother * Risk being undervalued by partner and friends etc The advantages of working women generally revolve around personal opportunities, both to develop in one’s career and provide additional financial resources, while the cons generally have to do with missed memories and fatigue. No matter whether one chooses to stay at home with one’s children or work outside the home, there are definite trade-offs to consider. Mothers who leave home each day and head to work have the possibility of conversations with adults throughout the day beside their husbands. This gives them a higher degree of intellectual stimulation. They also tend to dress a little better, putting on a professional outfit instead of donning workout clothes or jeans to face the day with their kids. Knowing that they have a busy work schedule also means that they treasure the time with their kids more, and they also have more money to help them enjoy that time. On the other hand, being a working mother means constant fatigue. People who face a long commute with small children waiting on both sides of it feel like they never get enough sleep. Working also means missing out on some memories, such as playdates, first words or steps and even school assemblies. Also, dealing with colleagues who do not understand how hard all the juggling is also a frustration. Advantages Gone are the days when mother devoted her full life for development of her children. Today, women are becoming more active, independent and prefer progress in their career rather than been recognized as just housemakers. Career oriented women continue their work soon after completion of their maternity leave. Many working women start the job early due to financial needs of their family. There can be different reasons for women to go to work instead of staying at home. Sometimes it is very difficult for women to go for work after delivery. In the initial period she may feel insecure for her child.she needs to join work soon after few months of child birth. If she has someone in her family like in-laws or grand parents to look after her child, then she may feel secured for her child. Some working women need to sacrifice career if they don’t have any option for taking care of their child. Many women prefer to leave their career whiles some women prefer to work from home. Some women choose to continue their job, in such case theymake some arrangement to look after their children. Women with financial problem also continue their job due to needs of family. There are many advantages and disadvantages of working mother for their children. Advantage for Children of Working Mother Children of working mother start doing their own work themselves from childhood as compared to children of non-working mother. Children of non-working mother depend on their mother evens for small needs. For example, if a child of non-working woman needs any toy to play, he asks his mother to give him that toy. They become fully dependant on their mother as she is easily available to them for the whole day. Children of working mother have no option and thus, they learn to do many things themselves. They become more independent and responsible in their work. Many husbands help their working spouse in household work. So when the children observe their father doing work at home and helping their mother, thus they also learn to help their parents. In this way, they can learn self awareness and discipline from early age. In addition, the children become co-operative from childhood. It is not possible for non working woman because she is expected to keep everything ready for her husband and children. Therefore, children of non-working mother become more lazier and dependant on parents as compared to children of working mother. Highly educated, working parents can give better education to their children. They know to provide all necessary facilities for the ideal development of their children omitting the unnecessary ones. They also motivate their children to participate in different activities as they can afford such expenses due to higher family income. On the other side it might not possible to afford such expense for many parents, if only father is working in family. Working mother might find more affection towards her children when she comes back from her work as she missed her children for whole the day. She might feel find more attached to her kids and vice versa. Thus, mother and children become more attached to one other. Non-working mother stays with her children for whole the day, therefore she doesn’t find such feeling of missing her kids and children also takes her for granted. Children of working mothers become practical and more intellectual. They can take wise decision themselves and become independent, confident and more active in their work. Disadvantage for Children of Working Mother Some working mothers have to take their child to childcare center as there is no one in her family tocare for child. In such case she needs to compromise in development of her kids and feels guilty for not sparing good time to raise her kids. If a child doesn’t have any siblings, sometimes he feels lonely as he has no one to express his feelings or thoughts or finds nobody to play with them. Some Working parents cannot spare good time with their children and don’t have time to listen to problems of their children. Therefore, children get frustrated or depressed as they don’t have anyone to share their feelings. Working mother needs to handle home and office work together. Therefore, she may get tired at the end of the day. In such case she may not be able to understand her children’s problem and may get angry with their children if they don’t listen or obey her instructions. Working mother may not be able to attend children’s school program due to hectic schedule at work or leave problems. Sometimes they cannot attend parent meeting or some cultural festival evens when their kids are participating. At that time children may feel badly as they find their friend’s parent during such functions. It creates insecurity and guilty feeling in their child mind. Nowadays, due to economical problems and infllation, it is essential for everyone to make more efforts for good earning. In such case it is necessary for a woman to understand her responsibilities and start working to help her husband to reduce their financial crisis. Working mother should understand her children’s problem and try to solve it. You should also take help from your partner in your daily household work. Today, it is not disgraceful for man to help his wife in household work. Take active participation in your children’s development evens if you are working parents. You should listen to your kids carefully and try to understand their needs. Tackle your kids with love and patience. Do not get angry with your kids due to your work pressure. Keep your home and work stress separates to live happy life. Good time management helps you to spare quality time with your kids. Keep updated with your kid’s school reports and meet their school teacher regularly to know the progress of your child. It is for sure that working mother can become the best mother if she follows precise time management and behave intellectually rather than emotionally. She should feel proud that as a working mother she has the power to provide the best education and facilities to her children but at the same time she should not forget that healthy upbringing of her child is her responsibility.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Essay about Shakespeare’s Characterisation of Caliban
Caliban is arguably one of the most complex characters in Shakespeare’s The Tempest, despite his low position in the social hierarchy. Primarily, we form our first impression of Caliban through what Prospero says about him. Prospero draws parallels between Caliban and his other servant Ariel, who was ‘too delicate’ to perform the ‘abhorred’ commands of the witch Sycorax. He then goes on to compare Ariel with Caliban; â€Å"a freckled whelp hag born – not honoured with/A human shape.†In line 317 of the play, Prospero refers to Caliban as a ‘tortoise’ and then immediately compares him to Ariel, who is a ‘fine apparition.’ This shows the variation of the two servants and shows Prospero’s obvious derogatory attitude towards Caliban and his biased†¦show more content†¦Prospero calls to Caliban who is on the other side of his cave, who replies â€Å"there’s wood enough within.†Caliban a ssumes that Prospero is calling to give him work of some sort. This unwillingness to work implies how lazy Caliban is, and despite his position as a slave, refuses to obey his master’s commands. He then appears onstage and immediately backs up the negative comments that have been made about him. He says: â€Å"As wicked dew as e’er my mother brushed With raven’s feather from unwholesome fen Drop on you both! A south-west wind blow on ye And blister who all o’er†. This first impression from Caliban himself is not a good one. With the aforementioned quotation, he immediately backs up any negative things that Prospero has said about him, and furthermore establishes a negative connection with the audience. We are then informed of how Caliban once tried to rape Miranda. When Prospero raises this point, Caliban responds in an unashamed manner, saying: â€Å"O ho! O ho! Would’t had been done! Thou didst prevent me. I had peopled else The isle with Calibans!†Certain questions have been raised regarding the mentality of Caliban, in the sense that he could be categorised as both a human being and a wild animal. There is evidence to suggest that Caliban is human because he has the qualities and emotions of a human being, as well as a varied and complex vocabulary. On the other hand, he may beShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Shakespeare s The Tempest 1632 Words  | 7 Pagestheatre-making†through its heavy reliance on cutting-edge technology to create magnificent spectacles and revitalise used tropes of past productions. Being the first classical production to use live motion capture, Doran’s imagination severs Shakespeare’s last play from some of its old ties and shifts it into the twenty first century. The play begins in media res, enthralling the audience by immediately throwing them into chaos and disarray from the very first scene. 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