Friday, January 24, 2020
Descriptive Essay - The Evangelic Church :: Descriptive Essay, Descriptive Writing
It may seem a little bit strange, but my favorite place in town in none other than this beautiful Evangelic Church. However, it wasn’t always so. When I was a child I used to be frightened of entering such a place for it seemed so imposing and somewhat dangerous, especially when music was being played. One day, in order to keep a promise I had made, I saw myself forced to enter. It took me quite a while to get the courage to pass through the old oak door, but the moment I stepped in, I realized just how enchanting and breathtaking this building could be. Its fantastic architecture and exquisite frescoes reflect perfectly the unity between this earth and the unseen kingdom of angels in such a manner that one cannot say where one ends and the other begins. The way in which the church was built is also the vivid testimony of a medieval period. Although it is a place that can sometimes be cold and ask for respect it is where prayers are answered and magic is done. An overwhelming feeling of inner harmony takes over you once you enter and God seems much closer. Darkness and light are welded perfectly together creating Redemptionâ⠂¬â„¢s house. The tower allows you to see the entire town from the smallest river to the biggest building site, offering you its mightiness. In the early summer mornings, when the sunshine is young and playful, inside the church another realm is born. Sitting in the back rows one can see a heavenly mist flowing though the windows and filling the sleepy altar with life and hope. It is a different dimension in the breast of an unsuspecting world. Moments such as these bring you joy and reassurance and also show you that there really is someone out there: your soul is elevated, your mind is thirsty for new experiences and your body is strengthened. Each time I come to the Evangelic Church something changes inside myself for the better. Descriptive Essay - The Evangelic Church :: Descriptive Essay, Descriptive Writing It may seem a little bit strange, but my favorite place in town in none other than this beautiful Evangelic Church. However, it wasn’t always so. When I was a child I used to be frightened of entering such a place for it seemed so imposing and somewhat dangerous, especially when music was being played. One day, in order to keep a promise I had made, I saw myself forced to enter. It took me quite a while to get the courage to pass through the old oak door, but the moment I stepped in, I realized just how enchanting and breathtaking this building could be. Its fantastic architecture and exquisite frescoes reflect perfectly the unity between this earth and the unseen kingdom of angels in such a manner that one cannot say where one ends and the other begins. The way in which the church was built is also the vivid testimony of a medieval period. Although it is a place that can sometimes be cold and ask for respect it is where prayers are answered and magic is done. An overwhelming feeling of inner harmony takes over you once you enter and God seems much closer. Darkness and light are welded perfectly together creating Redemptionâ⠂¬â„¢s house. The tower allows you to see the entire town from the smallest river to the biggest building site, offering you its mightiness. In the early summer mornings, when the sunshine is young and playful, inside the church another realm is born. Sitting in the back rows one can see a heavenly mist flowing though the windows and filling the sleepy altar with life and hope. It is a different dimension in the breast of an unsuspecting world. Moments such as these bring you joy and reassurance and also show you that there really is someone out there: your soul is elevated, your mind is thirsty for new experiences and your body is strengthened. Each time I come to the Evangelic Church something changes inside myself for the better.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Advantages of working mother/housewife Essay
†¢ More disposable income †¢ Freedom to make independent financial choices with own money †¢ Meet more people †¢ Equal relationship †¢ Have a life outside of home Disadvantages of working mother †¢ Discrimination in the workplace when colleagues find you have a child †¢ Risk being critisized for not being home to care for child †¢ Less time for yourself †¢ Problems with finding good child care †¢ Juggling work with sick kids †¢ Spending almost half income on child care †¢ Being passed over for promotions because you have child Advantages of being a stay at home mother/housewife †¢ More time for domestic duties †¢ Easier to plan 100% time around family †¢ Able to be there for family †¢ Spend quality time with child †¢ Other parent confident when they go to work child is safe and well cared for Disadvantages of being stay at home mother/housewife *Less disposable income *Less freedom *Having to ask the bread winner for money to buy things *Being more financially accountable – it is his money *Less money for spontaneous purchases * More budgeting * Less opportunities for making friends *Being stigmatised as a brainless stay at home mother * Risk being undervalued by partner and friends etc The advantages of working women generally revolve around personal opportunities, both to develop in one’s career and provide additional financial resources, while the cons generally have to do with missed memories and fatigue. No matter whether one chooses to stay at home with one’s children or work outside the home, there are definite trade-offs to consider. Mothers who leave home each day and head to work have the possibility of conversations with adults throughout the day beside their husbands. This gives them a higher degree of intellectual stimulation. They also tend to dress a little better, putting on a professional outfit instead of donning workout clothes or jeans to face the day with their kids. Knowing that they have a busy work schedule also means that they treasure the time with their kids more, and they also have more money to help them enjoy that time. On the other hand, being a working mother means constant fatigue. People who face a long commute with small children waiting on both sides of it feel like they never get enough sleep. Working also means missing out on some memories, such as playdates, first words or steps and even school assemblies. Also, dealing with colleagues who do not understand how hard all the juggling is also a frustration. Advantages Gone are the days when mother devoted her full life for development of her children. Today, women are becoming more active, independent and prefer progress in their career rather than been recognized as just housemakers. Career oriented women continue their work soon after completion of their maternity leave. Many working women start the job early due to financial needs of their family. There can be different reasons for women to go to work instead of staying at home. Sometimes it is very difficult for women to go for work after delivery. In the initial period she may feel insecure for her child.she needs to join work soon after few months of child birth. If she has someone in her family like in-laws or grand parents to look after her child, then she may feel secured for her child. Some working women need to sacrifice career if they don’t have any option for taking care of their child. Many women prefer to leave their career whiles some women prefer to work from home. Some women choose to continue their job, in such case theymake some arrangement to look after their children. Women with financial problem also continue their job due to needs of family. There are many advantages and disadvantages of working mother for their children. Advantage for Children of Working Mother Children of working mother start doing their own work themselves from childhood as compared to children of non-working mother. Children of non-working mother depend on their mother evens for small needs. For example, if a child of non-working woman needs any toy to play, he asks his mother to give him that toy. They become fully dependant on their mother as she is easily available to them for the whole day. Children of working mother have no option and thus, they learn to do many things themselves. They become more independent and responsible in their work. Many husbands help their working spouse in household work. So when the children observe their father doing work at home and helping their mother, thus they also learn to help their parents. In this way, they can learn self awareness and discipline from early age. In addition, the children become co-operative from childhood. It is not possible for non working woman because she is expected to keep everything ready for her husband and children. Therefore, children of non-working mother become more lazier and dependant on parents as compared to children of working mother. Highly educated, working parents can give better education to their children. They know to provide all necessary facilities for the ideal development of their children omitting the unnecessary ones. They also motivate their children to participate in different activities as they can afford such expenses due to higher family income. On the other side it might not possible to afford such expense for many parents, if only father is working in family. Working mother might find more affection towards her children when she comes back from her work as she missed her children for whole the day. She might feel find more attached to her kids and vice versa. Thus, mother and children become more attached to one other. Non-working mother stays with her children for whole the day, therefore she doesn’t find such feeling of missing her kids and children also takes her for granted. Children of working mothers become practical and more intellectual. They can take wise decision themselves and become independent, confident and more active in their work. Disadvantage for Children of Working Mother Some working mothers have to take their child to childcare center as there is no one in her family tocare for child. In such case she needs to compromise in development of her kids and feels guilty for not sparing good time to raise her kids. If a child doesn’t have any siblings, sometimes he feels lonely as he has no one to express his feelings or thoughts or finds nobody to play with them. Some Working parents cannot spare good time with their children and don’t have time to listen to problems of their children. Therefore, children get frustrated or depressed as they don’t have anyone to share their feelings. Working mother needs to handle home and office work together. Therefore, she may get tired at the end of the day. In such case she may not be able to understand her children’s problem and may get angry with their children if they don’t listen or obey her instructions. Working mother may not be able to attend children’s school program due to hectic schedule at work or leave problems. Sometimes they cannot attend parent meeting or some cultural festival evens when their kids are participating. At that time children may feel badly as they find their friend’s parent during such functions. It creates insecurity and guilty feeling in their child mind. Nowadays, due to economical problems and infllation, it is essential for everyone to make more efforts for good earning. In such case it is necessary for a woman to understand her responsibilities and start working to help her husband to reduce their financial crisis. Working mother should understand her children’s problem and try to solve it. You should also take help from your partner in your daily household work. Today, it is not disgraceful for man to help his wife in household work. Take active participation in your children’s development evens if you are working parents. You should listen to your kids carefully and try to understand their needs. Tackle your kids with love and patience. Do not get angry with your kids due to your work pressure. Keep your home and work stress separates to live happy life. Good time management helps you to spare quality time with your kids. Keep updated with your kid’s school reports and meet their school teacher regularly to know the progress of your child. It is for sure that working mother can become the best mother if she follows precise time management and behave intellectually rather than emotionally. She should feel proud that as a working mother she has the power to provide the best education and facilities to her children but at the same time she should not forget that healthy upbringing of her child is her responsibility.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Essay about Shakespeare’s Characterisation of Caliban
Caliban is arguably one of the most complex characters in Shakespeare’s The Tempest, despite his low position in the social hierarchy. Primarily, we form our first impression of Caliban through what Prospero says about him. Prospero draws parallels between Caliban and his other servant Ariel, who was ‘too delicate’ to perform the ‘abhorred’ commands of the witch Sycorax. He then goes on to compare Ariel with Caliban; â€Å"a freckled whelp hag born – not honoured with/A human shape.†In line 317 of the play, Prospero refers to Caliban as a ‘tortoise’ and then immediately compares him to Ariel, who is a ‘fine apparition.’ This shows the variation of the two servants and shows Prospero’s obvious derogatory attitude towards Caliban and his biased†¦show more content†¦Prospero calls to Caliban who is on the other side of his cave, who replies â€Å"there’s wood enough within.†Caliban a ssumes that Prospero is calling to give him work of some sort. This unwillingness to work implies how lazy Caliban is, and despite his position as a slave, refuses to obey his master’s commands. He then appears onstage and immediately backs up the negative comments that have been made about him. He says: â€Å"As wicked dew as e’er my mother brushed With raven’s feather from unwholesome fen Drop on you both! A south-west wind blow on ye And blister who all o’er†. This first impression from Caliban himself is not a good one. With the aforementioned quotation, he immediately backs up any negative things that Prospero has said about him, and furthermore establishes a negative connection with the audience. We are then informed of how Caliban once tried to rape Miranda. When Prospero raises this point, Caliban responds in an unashamed manner, saying: â€Å"O ho! O ho! Would’t had been done! Thou didst prevent me. I had peopled else The isle with Calibans!†Certain questions have been raised regarding the mentality of Caliban, in the sense that he could be categorised as both a human being and a wild animal. There is evidence to suggest that Caliban is human because he has the qualities and emotions of a human being, as well as a varied and complex vocabulary. On the other hand, he may beShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Shakespeare s The Tempest 1632 Words  | 7 Pagestheatre-making†through its heavy reliance on cutting-edge technology to create magnificent spectacles and revitalise used tropes of past productions. Being the first classical production to use live motion capture, Doran’s imagination severs Shakespeare’s last play from some of its old ties and shifts it into the twenty first century. The play begins in media res, enthralling the audience by immediately throwing them into chaos and disarray from the very first scene. 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